Screwed up sync in setting up new Mac

Community Member

I just got a new MacBook Pro and set things up manually (not through Migration Assistant). Installed 1Password 6.8.6 and synced it to a vault that was on my Dropbox account. All went well. But after a while, in installing apps, signing into online services, and so on, I discovered that some of the passwords and other info were outdated. After seeing this a couple of times, I opened my old laptop and checked how it was syncing. Turns out I'd been using iCloud! So I had synced to an old version of my Vault. I switched to using iCloud on the new computer, thinking it would merge the info and save the recent changes. Wrong. Now I have a synced Vault that matches my most recent info from the old computer BUT I've lost any changes from the last two days. How can I get them back? Can I open two vaults to compare them side by side sorted by Date Last Used? I just want to capture any changes. Any suggestions?

1Password Version: 6.8.6
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.13.3
Sync Type: Dropbox / iCloud


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @joshfree - If, during the last two days, your 1Password data within 1Password for Mac was set to sync with the older keychain in Dropbox (set in the Preferences > Sync section), then those changes should've been recorded to that keychain. If you didn't have that vault set to sync changes back to Dropbox, then it's going to be unlikely all the changes were recorded anywhere. 1Password for Mac does make automatic daily backups of your data, but since this is only two days' worth, some of your changes might not be captured by the backup(s).

    Assuming you DID set it to sync with that Dropbox keychain, though, you can open your Dropbox folder in Finder, locate the keychain you were using, and double-click it to open it as a separate vault in 1Password. Once you have both the Primary vault synced via iCloud and the older vault synced via Dropbox within 1Password for Mac, you can sort items by date modified on the Dropbox vault, and copy over any changes, then delete the Dropbox vault, and you should be up to speed with all changes in your Primary vault. Let us know how that goes!

  • joshfree
    Community Member

    That latter approach is exactly what I was looking for. Didn’t realize you could open two Vaults at once. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @joshfree -- well, you don't open them in the traditional finder view sort of way: two separate windows won't pop up. You'll have to toggle back and forth between the vaults to check for changes/differences. But you can use these instructions to move items you want to move entirely, and edit the rest by hand to update. Let us know if you run into any problems. :)

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