I purchased 1Password years ago on iTunes. I still use it as a Password Vault

Community Member
edited February 2018 in Mac

I still use it as a Password Vault with the 1Password.agilekeychain on Cloud based storage enabling sync between by Mac and Iphone. Will this continue to be supported as it looks like 1Password is moving to a subscription based service?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I purchased 1Password a long time ago on Itunes. Will it remain to be used as a stand alone Password


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @expatriot! Thanks for being a long-time user of 1Password. It is perfectly fine to continue to use 1Password as a standalone app or even multiple apps, synced manually via Dropbox or iCloud. 1Password 7 will be the next big release from us, and we've already committed to maintaining the local data/standalone app model. We created 1password.com accounts because they're by far the best way to use 1Password for the vast majority of our users, but for those users who are comfortable manually managing their own sync via one of our supported third-party sync solutions, that will remain an option.

  • expatriot
    Community Member

    I purchased 1Password on Sept. 8, 2015. I have no idea what the original version is. Will my purchased version continue to be supported?

    Also, I just purchased the Pro Features Add on. on my setting tab, it shows "purchased", but none of these Pro Features seem to be accessible?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @expatriot - The answer depends on a few things -- first of all, what platform are you referring to? You wrote your initial post in the Mac forum, but referring to the Pro features makes me think you're now referring to 1Password for iOS instead. Can you clarify?

    In general, purchased versions of 1Password are valid "forever." I put that in quotes because it may require a little more explanation. While you can use purchased versions of 1Password as long as you have hardware and versions of the OS on which it runs, what purchasing a standalone license of 1Password does NOT get you is free upgrades forever. We release new versions periodically to both improve 1Password itself and also to keep pace with the changes in hardware and OSes on which it runs, and often, older versions of 1Password do not run on newer hardware/OS versions. So when you ask "will my purchased version continue to be supported," it's not a simple yes/no. If you purchased in fall 2015, that would have been for version 5 for Mac (or for iOS, if you were referring to that). Both those versions have been supplanted by version 6, but we granted every holder of a version 5 license a free copy of version 6 as well. So your license(s) are current.

    When 1Password 7 is released, that won't be the case -- 1Password 7 will be a paid upgrade for everyone, unless you purchased version 6 fairly recently. But version 6 will still be "supported" in the sense of customer support -- we continue to provide technical support for versions as far back as 1Password 3 for Mac, even though at this point it's mostly helping people on older versions get upgraded to the current versions.

    Can I ask which of the Pro features of 1Password for iOS seem to be inaccessible?

  • expatriot
    Community Member

    I understand you explanation. I am currently running Verion6 on an iPhone 6. What happens when Version7 releases and for some reason (maybe a virus on the phone or whatever) I need to Factory reset the phone (Erase all content and settings), How will I get a copy of Verson 6 to re-install?

    I upgraded to the Pro Version. I am running iPassword Version 6 on both my iMac and iPhone6. The Pro Version is supposed to have more Categories. Where are they? I don't see these extra categories on my iMac or iPhone 1 Password V6. Multiple Vaults. I see no where on the where in the iMac and iPhone6....on...and...on. I see NO ProFeatures, except an Icon in my !Password.Settings that says I purchased them.

    If they are there, you do not make them user friendly or intuitive.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2018


    What happens when Version7 releases and for some reason (maybe a virus on the phone or whatever) I need to Factory reset the phone (Erase all content and settings), How will I get a copy of Verson 6 to re-install?

    1Password 7 may be a separate purchase with a separate SKU on the Mac. If that's the case, both will be available. On iOS, version 7 is already available.

    Regarding Pro features, things like categories won't appear if there's nothing actually IN them. Try tapping the + button at the top right of your screen -- are you given all the options for categories? Try creating a Software License or Wireless Router. If it works, then the Pro features are present.

  • expatriot
    Community Member

    Got it. Thanks.
    You know, I have never paid much attention to 1Password. Recently I decided to (factory reset) my phone; and tidy up my web browser passwords as well as 1Password items as I planned to move all passwords over to 1 Password as I feel the Web Browsers as becoming less safe as a place to keep passwords.

    The best I can say is I am "NOT Impressed" with 1Password or the Pro Features; and in my opinion it is amateurish databse . Your App is a basic Database that syncs a Mater File (Vault) between a Phone app and Desktop app.

    1. Over the course of time using 1 Password Desktop and Browser Extension, I have multiple items that have been created for a single website. Yes, I click on update the vault; and I select the item. Yes. It still will often just create a new item. Then I have to figure of which password is correct next time I use 1Password.As I change my passwords often. I have Multiple Item Entries for a single website: Multiply that by dozens of web sites. It is time consuming to figure out which password is correct. Yes I look at the las modified dates, but even then, it may still be the wrong password; or the password from the next previous entry.

    2. On the Desktop version. I create a new Item (Bank Account). There is the ability to create a Custom Field Tag.OK, I name the field "Notes 2". I can select what type of field it is; I select "Text". I click save; and Notes 2 is now displayed: BUT! on the Desktop App, "Notes 2" Field is not Text Wrapped. I can't see more than the first line of the field. amateurish ! the Field does display correctly on the Phone App. amateurish!

    3. I cannot create a new Field; one-time password; or new selection from the Desktop app. amateurish!

    4. I cannot create a New Vault from the Phone App. I have to use the Desktop app. amateurish!

    5. The New Vault created is not displayed on the Phone App. Only the Primary Vault is displayed. amateurish!

    6. After creating a new Vault. My Phone app Password Entry page locks up; and/or it defaults back to me entering the App Password instead of using the fingerprint scanner on several instances since creating a new vault. I don't know if this is related to me creating a new Vault, but I suspect it is. Performance Issue.

    7. It looks like the new Vault is created inside the Primary Vault. what good is it if you can't have different passwords to access different vaults? amateurish!

    8. The Entire Phone and Desktop apps are no User intuitive. amateurish!

    I could probably go on and pick this thing apart, but I do not have the time. Your company probably needs some new blood for DB Engineers and Software Testers. I could create a batter app than this in FileMaker Pro in a couple of days.

    Tim Morley

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback! Looking forward to seeing your apps. Competition pushes us all to be better. Cheers! :)

  • expatriot
    Community Member

    I am a Hardware and Software Engineer. I used to design Software and Write code of Military Command and Control systems. I created a secure Database 18 years ago to securely store client information and code I developed. I have updated as database software and technology has progressed; and still use it today. Could I make a few changes and would it be better than 1Password? Definitely! I can mask as many Masterfiles (Vaults) as you want and all of them can have different Passwords to access. You guys out a Vault inside a Vault both using the same password. What goos is that?

    The problem with most Software Developers is they engineer a great idea, then they stop using their creations and lose direction; and the product goes down hiil.

    Anyway, you can either give me an answer to each of my comments in the previous post; or give me my money back if you are offended by critique.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    We definitely still use 1Password. Every day. There was a point a few weeks ago where I couldn't because I wasn't able to connect to download the data due to a DNS issue on my Mac, and I can't even begin to tell you how much of a productivity killer that was. I sometimes forget how much I rely on 1Password for so much of my day-to-day computing activities, especially when it comes to logging into websites quickly and seamlessly using long, strong, unique passwords I could never hope to remember or type. I'm sure your database app could do that too with some work, but it's not as easy as we try to make it look to users. ;)

    I apologize for not realizing you actually wanted a response to your comments, as they seemed rather rhetorical and, I have to say, trollish. Chanting "amateurish!" is not really a critique and is certainly not actionable feedback after all, but I'll be happy to address them as best I can:

    As I change my passwords often.

    Don't. Unless your password was weak or has been compromised, this doesn't increase your security. Generate a long, strong, unique password for each site. Once you've done that, you're set unless you give the password away (or someone else does, if the website is breached), so no need to make more work for yourself.

    I have Multiple Item Entries for a single website: Multiply that by dozens of web sites. It is time consuming to figure out which password is correct. Yes I look at the las modified dates, but even then, it may still be the wrong password; or the password from the next previous entry.

    You can have 1Password update your existing login instead of saving a brand new one each time. I'd encourage you to use that where possible:


    There is the ability to create a Custom Field Tag.OK, I name the field "Notes 2". I can select what type of field it is; I select "Text". I click save; and Notes 2 is now displayed: BUT! on the Desktop App, "Notes 2" Field is not Text Wrapped. I can't see more than the first line of the field.

    As 1Password is not a text editor, the only multiline text it currently supports is the default "Notes" field. We're looking into expanding the options for custom fields in a future version though. Thanks for the feedback!

    I cannot create a new Field; one-time password; or new selection from the Desktop app.

    Sure you can:

    I cannot create a New Vault from the Phone App. I have to use the Desktop app.

    Actually you can with a 1Password.com account. I don't often, but it's something we're able to do there since the server does all of the heavy lifting.

    The New Vault created is not displayed on the Phone App. Only the Primary Vault is displayed.

    1Password won't have a vault you created on another device unless you sync it there. It sounds like you forgot to do that:


    After creating a new Vault. My Phone app Password Entry page locks up; and/or it defaults back to me entering the App Password instead of using the fingerprint scanner on several instances since creating a new vault. I don't know if this is related to me creating a new Vault, but I suspect it is. Performance Issue.

    The Master Password is always required to decrypt your data, and you'll need to enter it periodically based on how you've set things up:


    It looks like the new Vault is created inside the Primary Vault.

    Nope. But, like the name, the 1Password app unlocks using one password: the Master Password of the first vault/account you setup there.

    what good is it if you can't have different passwords to access different vaults?

    Good question! You can of course, but you don't need 1Password for that; you could just use a bunch of encrypted disk images or something, and put spreadsheets in them. I'm not quite sure what you're trying to accomplish, but we named it 1Password for a reason: the idea is that you choose one long, strong, unique Master Password to protect your data, so that there is only one you have to remember. Remembering multiple passwords, after all, is the scourge that we're using 1Password to escape from. And having more than one makes it harder to use a really good one. Using a few weaker ones means each will be easier to guess — especially for a computer (the difficulty increases exponentially the more characters you add); using multiple strong ones means you're more likely to forget one, especially if you're not using all of them frequently; and, ultimately, if you're capable of remembering multiple passwords, they're probably not as strong as they could be, and using one that has the strength of all of them combined will make it easier for you to remember and grow accustomed to typing it over time through repetition.

    The Entire Phone and Desktop apps are no User intuitive. amateurish!

    You're really going to have to be more specific about what you feel is "no User intuitive". There's always room for improvement, but without any details it's hard to say what the solution for you might be. Perhaps one already exists!

    Finally, if you purchased a license from the AgileBits Store in the past 30 days and would prefer a refund, just shoot us an email at support@1password.com and post the Support ID you receive here so we can help you with that. I can't, however, either technically or in good conscience, give you a refund for something you purchased years ago and have been using since then. But if you have specific suggestions for how you'd like 1Password improved or feature requests, we're listening and would love to hear them. :blush:

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