Cannot access Website with Chrome Browser, so i cannot install 1password browser exten

Community Member

Due to this Error: NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID
I cannot access
Seems to have an issue with the certificate chain

Chrome version: 64.0.3282.140 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

Any help for this?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.6 (15G19009)
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @zzzooorrrx - that looks as if you have a missing cert within the chain in your browser. I'm not sure how that would've happened, but if you visit you'll see it's not a problem with our SSL cert or the chain itself. I'd ask you to update your browser, but it appears you're running the latest version of Chrome, so I might suggest you give Incognito mode a try to see if the problem is resolved by disabling your other extensions. If that doesn't work, then I'd suggest you delete and re-install Chrome -- and I'm not sure that will solve the issue either. But it's the place to start. Good luck; let us know what you discover!

  • agiletim
    1Password Alumni

    @zzzooorrrx : This looks like your operating system is missing Comodo certificate in its trusted chain of certificates.
    Depending on your OS it can be solved in different ways. What are you using? MacOS? Windows?

  • zzzooorrrx
    Community Member

    I use MacOS 10.11.6 (15G19009)

  • agiletim
    1Password Alumni

    Oh, sorry, of course It is MacOS :smile:

    @Lars is going to answer your question, he's got all the information now.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2018

    @zzzooorrrx - So, we did a little more digging after we realized you're still using El Capitan as your version of macOS. Turns out that for some reason our root certificate - Comodo's RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA - is not in Apple’s List of available trusted root certificates in OS X El Capitan. That's why the cert is missing in your browser; because it's not present in that version of macOS's trusted certs. I'm not quite sure why that would be; probably Comodo rotated that specific cert and the new one just didn't make it into the local certificate list.

    However, that doesn't help you immediately, and I realize you're looking for a solution. The only true solution for this that you can take from your end of things as a user would be for you to upgrade your macOS to at least Sierra, if not High Sierra. Both of those appear to have the proper root cert in their list (Sierra, High Sierra).

    If you don't want to or can't do that, the only other thing I can suggest - and I know this isn't exactly proper security procedure, so I'm not recommending you do this; just pointing out that it's possible - would be to import that Comodo cert manually...and then trust it. If you're not comfortable doing that, I would certainly understand. I can say I don't think there would be any risk or harm in doing so...but it's certainly far from accepted security best practices.

    In any case, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We don't have any way of solving that immediately, but it's certainly good for us to know. Have a great rest of your week!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @zzzooorrrx -- one more thing: if you're looking to (re) install 1Password's Chrome extension and neither of my above suggestions are working for you, you can grab our latest extension directly from the Chrome Store. Let us know if you have any problems!

  • zzzooorrrx
    Community Member

    @Lars - Thx for your deep insight on this issue. I didn't realised that 1Password extension is also available at the extension chrome store.
    So this was the solution for me, for now.
    Thx for your quick support!

  • bapfoto
    Community Member

    I'm having the same problem (I guess) since today. Safari refuses to start 1Password from its extension. Safari doesn't allow to reinstall the extension. Restarting the Mac doesn't help either.

  • bapfoto
    Community Member

    I'm working with MacOS 10.13.3 and the latest 1Password version.

  • zzzooorrrx
    Community Member

    @Lars - One more interesting thing is, that it's no problem to access the subdomain which is also secured with a Comodo certificate, but don't know if it is the same one.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @zzzooorrrx -- you're very welcome; glad agiletim and I were able to help! I'll have to take a closer look at whether there are any cert chain differences between our forum here and the extension pages you were trying to access. That IS odd, though. Thanks for reporting, and have a great weekend!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @bapfoto - thanks for reporting, and sorry for the trouble. It doesn't sound like this is the same issue @zzzooorrrx was reporting, but let's see what we can do. When you say "Safari refuses to start 1Password from it's extension," can you clarify that a little? Is 1Password already running when you do this? Is it unlocked? Can you describe exactly what steps you're taking, and what's not working the way you expect? Thanks.

  • bapfoto
    Community Member

    No 1Password wasn't running before and the application itself starts without any problem....
    Update: tried it now again, first in Firefox (extension works) and to my surprise now the Safari extension also makes it again.
    So all-clear for now. Thanks for reading.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @bapfoto - Well, I can hardly claim any credit for helping you if the problem resolved on its own. :) In general, if you're experiencing unusual behavior that's NOT what you'd been accustomed to, the first line of defense/troubleshooting would be to restart the various components (your browser, 1Password). You might even try restarting your Mac itself. But if the problem persists, we're always here to help (well, OK, sometimes we have to sleep, LOL).

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