If I use iCloud storage for my keychain, can I make a copy of keychain?

Community Member

I am considering switching the location of my 1Password keychain sync from DropBox to iCloud.
Currently I can make additional backup copies of my keychain file easily from Dropbox.
If I switch to iCloud, is there a way to do this as well?
If I can't, how is the auto-backup file different than the actual keychain file? Am I OK just making a duplicate copy of the local backup files instead of making a copy of the entire keychain file?
I just want to be sure I can get my passwords back if iCloud goes down for some reason.

1Password Version: 6.8.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:icloud get copy keychain


  • Ben

    Hi @jeffaxup,

    With iCloud you’d want to use the built-in backup function within 1Password. This is a manual process. The same tool would allow you to restore your data back into 1Password. You can read about that here:

    1Password backups

    I hope that helps!


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