Dont see 1Password in IOS when app asks for password.

Community Member

How come there are times when 1Password is not available when I need to get a password? This would be when I press on the icon shaped like box with up arrow on it.

Thank you.

1Password Version: 7.0.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: ios 11.2.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @BruceWeinstein - It depends a bit on where you're doing this from. If you're in Safari, and you've already added 1Password into Safari, then 1Password certainly should be available. If you're referring to a 3rd-party app, then the reason is probably because that specific app developer has not yet added 1Password's extension code into their app. Which were you referring to?

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