Editing a Secure Document

Community Member

I'm curious about the support for actually editing a secure document, as it does not seem to be working for me. I have a numbers document with a bunch of data I want to secure, but I also want to make changes to it from time to time. However, when I download and open the document from 1Password, change something, and then save it (in Numbers), the changes do not appear to register in 1Password. The modified date does not change. I've also tried locking, exiting, and restarting the program, but the changes did not stick. I'm guessing this is intentional, but wanted to be sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. Thanks, Bill.

1Password Version: 6.8.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.3
Sync Type: 1Password Account


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @bnoellert! You're not doing anything wrong. When you save a file into 1Password as a document, what you get is the exact state of the document or file at the time you upload/encrypt it in 1Password. What you don't get is the ability to make changes to a file and have them automatically uploaded.

    So, if you have a document you plan to make changes to, you need to not just download it, make your changes and save the changes in the source application. You also need to then remove the previous copy of the file from 1Password (because it will still show the previous state of the document prior to your changes), then re-upload the current version with your edits as a new Document.

  • stevenhoose
    Community Member

    I had the same question. I understand the answer but don't see how to download the document.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @stevenhoose! When you're using a 1password.com account inside 1Password for Mac, the documents on the server are not immediately available unless you download them first. Once you've done that, you'll have a local copy that you can open in any other application that can open that file type. When you first see it, it'll look like this:

    Clicking the document will download a local copy, after which mousing over the document will give a menu option for either Quick Look, or (if you use the drop-down), the ability to open the file in any application:

    Hope that helps! :)

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