Sort items in trash by: Date Deleted

Community Member
edited March 2018 in Mac

I accidentally deleted a folder today and trashed a hundred passwords. Sadly, there are several hundred more already in the trash (rightfully so). I really don't want to restore EVERYTHING.... and sorting the trash by date modified or date created won't help (some of these were created a long time ago). I really need to be able to sort the trash by DATE DELETED. Is that possible?

(And secondly, please consider an option to delete a folder WITHOUT deleting the contents inside. I have duplicate folders set up that are annoying visually, but I'm scared to remove them because of what I just accidentally did above. Please consider anyhow)

1Password Version: 6.8.7
Extension Version: 4.6.12
OS Version: OS X 10.13.3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @superflytnt - we can certainly make your wishes known to the dev team, yes...but that won't help you in your current predicament, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, I don't have any neat tricks to offer on this one, other than to keep the Trash emptied regularly so this doesn't become a problem. I'm not trying to make this your problem, just trying to see what might help avoid it until suggestions you made can be implemented.

    ref: OPM-867

  • superflytnt
    Community Member

    Well, I appreciate the honest reply. I would strongly suggest you implement these two features then:

    1) Sort items in trash by DATE DELETED
    2) Option to remove folder without removing it's contents


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @superflytnt - to be clear, moving an item to the trash would update its Date Modified flag, so you could sort on that instead, and it would likely work for your purposes.

    Folders are a lower-priority issue right now, as we've moved mostly to the greater flexibility and power of tags for organization; I'd suggest you give that a try. It would also save you from the problem of accidentally deleting hundreds of passwords in one go. :)

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