I cannot log in to 1Password on my Mac but CAN on my phone. I've tried 8 times. Info IS correct.

Community Member

I am currently logged into 1 password on my phone. My hard drive on my Mac crashed so I am trying to reset up my computer with the 1 pass extension. I'm using my emergency kit to enter the info, but it says the info is incorrect. I cannot log into the app on my computer or online. And when I scanned the emergency kit with my phone in the app there (where I'm currently already logged in), it also says the info is incorrect. I am so confused.

My master password isn't giving me problems, so I feel like it must be the secret key. But I copied and pasted the secret key multiple times and looked it over many times so it cannot be incorrect!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I cannot log in on my Mac but CAN on my phone. Please help!


  • thegringa
    Community Member
    edited March 2018

    When I open the 1 password app (my hard drive crashed so I am redoing everything), it seems to only be setup for people who have the membership. I have 1 Password 6 and a license, not a secret key. How do I log in?

    1Password Version: 6
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: OX X 10.13.3
    Sync Type: Not Provided
    Referrer: forum-search:I cannot log in to the Mac app. It gives me no place to enter my license key.

    ref: XNN-44411-411

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @thegringa! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble. I also see you've asked this same exact question of our email support team, and my colleague Trace is assisting you there. There's no need to contact us at multiple outlets with the same request; it doesn't speed up the process. In fact, if we have to coordinate and connect this forum post with that email with another tweet, it tends to take extra time and slow support response times for everyone including you. Let's keep this conversation going via email. Thanks! :)

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