"Large Type" disappears when you click off it

Community Member

Chrome on OS X using the extension.

If I load a web page that asks for chars 2, 6, 14 of password I need to use the "Large Type" option as it shows the numbers that correspond to each character.

But, as soon I click back to the web browser the password disappears.

I sort of get why, but it's frustrating because I'd like it to be there until I close the window.

Is there a setting for this that I've missed please?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @musicwallaby - yep. Click the opened Large Type window and drag it around. You'll see the familiar "stoplight" navigation buttons appear in the upper left-hand corner of the window. Once that happens, the window will persist and must be closed like any other Finder window, by clicking the red button.

  • musicwallaby
    Community Member

    @Lars thanks, I noticed I can do that from the full 1Password app but with the browser plugin it doesn't seem to work that way, the "stoplight" bar/buttons appear but the large type window just disappears when I move back to the browser.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2019

    @musicwallaby - if you're using 1Password mini or browser extension to do this, the reason it's disappearing is that you haven't selected the item in question to persist. The mini/extension functions differently than the main app in this regard; most of the time if someone is using the browser extension, they're looking for a specific login to find and use within the browser -- since that's where they're accessing it. If you want an item you've accessed to persist, you can click the anchor button at the bottom left of the item pop-up, which will cause that item to become persistent, after which you can then click on the password, choose Large Type dragging it will cause it, too, to persist. Or you can do your searching from the main 1Password window instead of from the browser extension.

    ref: web/support.1password.com#1364

  • musicwallaby
    Community Member

    @Lars bingo! Thank you, didn't even expect/look for that option :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Glad that helped! On behalf of Lars, you are most welcome! It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. Cheers! :)

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