imac does not sync with iphone

Community Member


My iphone syncs with my imac. But my imac does not sync with my iphone.
How can I fix this?

Kind regards,
Jan Groot

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version: no extension
OS Version: os x 10.12.6
Sync Type: icloud
Referrer: forum-search:sync


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jangroot - You said you're using iCloud to sync; that should be more-or-less automatic for you, but you do have to ensure that iCloud is set up on all devices and turned on in 1Password's sync, as well as not using different iCloud accounts on different devices (if you have more than one). Fortunately, we've got a great step-by-step guide for helping you figure out where the issue might be; give those steps a try and let us know how it works for you. :)

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