Master password works for local 1password but not

Community Member

Added my father to our Family account. He already was a 1password user but it was local. Have not migrated his data over yet. He thinks he used the same master password as he used locally. However, he can't log into the family account with his current local master password (and the secret key is correct - copied from the account preferences window). I'm thinking he must have mistyped the master password when he finished creating his family account. He has tried various versions of it, but no luck. What do you think? Is it OK to delete his family user account and recreate it again? Will anything disappear? I don't think it would since his data is still local, but I thought I should check ....

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS 10.13.3
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Manaburner
    Community Member

    If you are a family organizer, you could simply start the account recovery process for your father. It's described here:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @messedup: I would definitely doublecheck to see if the data is still in a local vault. Migration is pretty easy, so it's entirely possible he did that already when prompted. Account recovery is a good call, as it will get you both family with the process, and if he had saved anything in the account it will not be lost that way. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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