What happened to my "contact" field on my logins

Community Member

What happened to the contacts I had on my logins? There use to be a field for company and also contact.

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version:
OS Version: osx 13.3.3
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:contact field


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @gman_usa - sorry for the trouble! I'm not quite sure what you mean, however. There has never been a pre-populated field in 1Password's Login item template for company or contact. Can you clarify what you're referring to? Thanks.

  • gman_usa
    Community Member

    Thanks ...my mistake.
    On another subject...I have been a user since 2010 with upgrade to family in 2013. Do I technically have an "account". I tried logging into the website but have no idea of sign-in address or secret key?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2018

    @gman_usa - I can't be 100% certain, of course, but it sounds as if you are a long-time user of standalone 1Password (thanks!). You won't have an account unless you've signed up for one at the main 1Password sign-up page.

    There are currently two ways to use 1Password (the first has existed since the beginning, the second is newer):

    As a standalone product:

    • You purchase licenses for each platform separately.
    • These licenses include all in-version updates, but a major version upgrade (such as 1Password 7) may require a paid upgrade.
    • You choose how to sync your data. You can set up sync using a third party service (like Dropbox or iCloud.) If you do not set up sync, your data will remain on your device.

    With a 1Password account:

    • You sign up for an account at 1Password.com.
    • Your subscription includes the 1Password apps across all platforms, with all updates and upgrades for as long as your account is active.
    • Once you sign in to your account in 1Password on a new device, all of your data is instantly available - no need to set up third-party sync.

    1Password accounts also include access to your data via a web browser, and per-item backups so you always have a safe copy of your data off of your devices, and can roll back to a previous version of an item if a change is accidentally made. There are numerous advantages to a 1Password account, and if you'd like to try it out, there's a full 30-day free trial. But you're not required to create an account just to use 1Password.

    ref: JLJ-63173-219

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