Adaptive application icon

Community Member


Lots of praise for the latest round of betas. Thank you.

Is anyone else experiencing icon strangeness for the 1password application? Or is this intentional for the beta?

In the Play Store, the icon looks fine but when it appears on my pixel launcher (OG pixel) it has a grey border around it. I know there have been changed in icon approaches over the last few android iterations and something doesn't look to be scaling properly.

See attached images.



  • carlylemiii
    Community Member

    It's been that way for a while, pre-beta. There are other instances where the logo is on a gray background. Look in your vault for your 1Password account entry, the iOS app icon, etc.

    If they made the strictly the logo the icon, it would be cut off when adapted to different shapes. This is 100% intentional - it's not like other apps that get their logo just thrown onto a generic white background.

  • peri

    Hi @mjdyson. With the introduction of adaptive icons in Android Oreo, apps like 1Password provide foreground and a background layer. The app launcher chooses the mask and uses the two layers to give the desired look. It allows for a unified look of app icons across the Android system. The use of a solid colored background layer makes it look as if it is a single circular icon.

    And you are right @carlylemiii. We did switch to adaptive icons a while back. :)

    Let us know if you need anything else!

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