Feature request: Automating my email(s) address for the identity field

Community Member

Whenever I need to add a login, my email is often the identity. I use TextExpander so I don't have to type my emails, but in 1P I still have to. Can there be a way to resolve this? If not TE, then even a short list of remembered automation/expansions within the app?

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version: 4.7.0
OS Version: OS X 10.12.6
Sync Type: Families - cloud?
Referrer: forum-search:Automating features


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Narius: We don't have plans to allow 3rd party apps to read and write inside 1Password. We use Secure Input there specifically to prevent that. But perhaps we can add an autocomplete feature for email addresses in the future. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

  • Narius
    Community Member

    That would sure be awesome.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Narius :) :+1:

  • Narius
    Community Member

    Wait - do I have to suggest it somewhere, or will you carry that forward? I really mean it. It would be awesome. (My whole movement into the productivity-app-thing has meant I so rarely type my email address now --> 3-4 keystrokes and I'm done. So whenever I do so, it feels so backward.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Narius - no, you already suggested it right here. To make sure we don't give you false impressions, suggesting we add this doesn't mean we'll definitely be pursuing it, or any kind of timeline. If an autocomplete feature for email addresses (and possibly other fields, where it makes sense) is something that can be added without security risks (possible, if you have something scanning memory for commonly-used entries) and there's call for it, I think it would make a good addition. But I don't write the code and the decision isn't mine. We truly appreciate every bit of feedback we receive, especially during beta periods like this, because we're well aware that we don't think of everything, and we're also not exclusive holders of all the good ideas. We just need to assess each request on its merits and against what else we have that needs to be done. It's never a fixed process, and as I mentioned, it doesn't mean we'll pursue any particular request...but we will absolutely consider each one and try to do the ones that make sense for our users. Thanks for being a part of it! :)

  • Narius
    Community Member

    Got that Lars - suggestions are suggestions, period. :) Have a great day.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    @Narius - I don't want to sound argumentative, but that's not quite right -- suggestions aren't just suggestions. It may not be immediately obvious, but many of the features you see in 1Password today came initially from suggestions or bug reports or observations from the user community. We feel very happy to have one of the more involved and energetic user communities in software. As these forums will attest, plenty of you aren't at all shy about voicing your own vision for - or even complaints about - 1Password. My only point was that we can't fulfill every feature request -- if for no other reason than sometimes what one set of users wants is 180-degrees opposite from what another group wants. But we always listen, think about them, and in the end many suggestions DO make their way into 1Password. :)

  • Narius
    Community Member

    Yep - with you on all of that Lars, and I love the way the 1P team have always responded and listened.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Likewise, thanks for your passion! We love hearing from you! :chuffed:

  • iluxan
    Community Member


    Would love to see 1Password default to my usual email address. I know adding more settings should never be taken lightly, but perhaps adding it as a setting that I set explicitly - default email address - would help save a lot of keystrokes.

    It could also help with usability on mobile. I've gotten used to it, but it really takes a number of steps and a lot of discipline to create a new password when you're doing it on mobile. Saving typing my email every time could help.

    Thanks as ever for your software in my life :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @iluxan - thanks for weighing in, and for the kind words about 1Password. We'll see what we can do in the future. :)

  • Narius
    Community Member

    Upvoting my idea to include some fields (e.g. email address) in 1p that can autofill or have their own shortcuts if programs like TextExp don't have access

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Perhaps it's something we can add in a future version. :)

This discussion has been closed.