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(Security) difference between .ca, .com and .eu data centers?

Community Member

I'm currently thinking of finally jumping on the family membership train and now I need to decide which datacenter I want to use.

Does the data center question has further implications, besides the physical location, where my family's data is stored and in which currency I need to pay for my subscription?

Of course, my first thought is authorities' access to my data: As the EU has the far stronger data privacy laws then the US, is it advised to use the EU datacenter? However, as far as I understood it, AgileBit does not have any possibility to access my data so I guess, in the case of authorities demand access, it is not possible for you to provide that?

Anything else to consider?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @fgrau

    I'm not aware of any differences other that what you mentioned. They all run the same 1Password software. Also as you mentioned AgileBits does not have access to either your Master Password or your Secret Key, both of which are needed to decrypt your data. This page may be of interest to you:

    Password manager - for law enforcement - 1Password



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