Would it be possible to select only certain symbols when generating a password.

Community Member

There are a number of government agencies that require new passwords at scheduled times and only allow certain symbols to be used. If you could check box those it would be helpful.

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Referrer: forum-search:Password generator


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jsmith1750 - thanks for the suggestion. The functionality of the password generator in 1Password is something that's always under review, so we may be adjusting it. The problem in doing so is that there are all sorts of different requirements out there on the internet for various password fields -- banks in England are now requiring users to input the 3rd, 6th and 11th characters of their passwords, or something similar (have been for a couple of years now, in fact). In short, it's not advisable for us to take every potential situation into account in the design of the generator itself, else it would quickly become to weighted down with options and checkboxes and features. We always try to keep ahead of these things, and the situation is always changing, so this may be something we'll do -- and I'll definitely mention it to the dev team. Thanks for bringing it up! :)

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