Can I add a Gmail/Google account that asks for login/password in separate windows to 1password 4?



I wonder if I can add the Gmail/Google credentials to 1password version 4. Google always displays a little window where they first ask for an e-mail address and then in the next little window they ask for the password. And then they ask for my 2FA code in the next little window but I know that this can't be stored in a password manager, thank you very much. :)

Is this possible or am I stuck with a Secure note containing my password?

Yes about version 4 of 1password... I'm on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android, need cloud sync and don't subscribe to software which is why I literally can't upgrade. So a solution for version 4 on Mac and Windows would be nice if it's technically possible.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


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