Is it possible to make the credit card numbers be hidden like the verification numbers are?

Community Member

I'd like the credit card numbers to be hidden in the 1Password app like passwords are (and the verification codes for credit cards are). Is this possible?

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: mac OS 10.13.4
Sync Type:
Referrer: forum-search:credit card


  • Hi @daveother,

    Yes, and no. You could add a new field to a custom section and make it a ‘password’ type field, which would cause the contents to be concealed. You could then store the credit card number only in that field. The problem with this approach is that the credit card number will not fill — you’d have to copy and paste.

    That would be the only option currently available that I can think of.


  • daveother
    Community Member

    Thanks for the info. Can you please submit it as a feature request to either hide it unless we click reveal (or have a preference to hide them)?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @daveother - I'll certainly mention it to our devs as a feature request. Thanks!

  • daveother
    Community Member

    Thanks. I teach so sometimes students are looking at my computer and if 1Password happens to launch showing the credit card tab, then my credit cards number is visible.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @daveother - Oh, in that case, there is a setting in Preferences > Vaults for "Always open to" -- if you set that to a vault that has no credit card information, then you'll never have that problem. Also, the category selected will always be whatever you used most-recently. So as a workaround for now, if you can remember to not leave 1Password for Mac on the Credit Card category, your kids will never see it. Though I'd also caution you that if you're worried you teach the kind of kids where one or two of them might attempt to do something sneaky with your credit card, I'd recommend not opening 1Password at all in that kind of environment (or opening it only when you need it, and locking it immediately after - or at least before you move your attention away from your computer). :)

  • daveother
    Community Member

    I do use 1Password in the classroom (to log in to the school's website) so I need it open and unlocked. I'm just trying to avoid the window showing my credit card number if it's projected on the screen and part of the 1Password window is visible. The "Always open to" is a decent solution except I like it to open to my "All Vaults" settings. I'd certainly prefer if credit card numbers were never visible as I almost never need to see them - I just occasionally copy them to enter them in websites.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @daveother - I understand your use-case and why you'd want that, and I'll definitely see whether it's a change we'll be making. Thanks for letting us know your reasoning and your request. :+1:

  • daveother
    Community Member

    Thanks. In my opinion, credit card numbers should be considered private just as passwords are.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @daveother - thanks for the feedback, Dave. :)

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