Some information not saved, improved interface could help.


I recently set up an account and the username information was not stored in 1Password, but there was a password stored. The next day when I attempted to login I ended up without a username, so I used several different variants of what I believed to be correct and can't get in. Not sure why this happened, I was notified that it saved my login information when I first logged in, and again when I updated my password. At this point it really doesn't matter, it didn't work and I am frustrated because I assumed it would and didn't double check it. I'll eventually figure out what is going on and fix this record as I seem to be doing quite a bit. Perhaps it is me, perhaps the tool, perhaps both.

So I am writing here to ask 1Password to add to the message it provides when it saves new/updated information. Could it also display the contents of the record being updated and highlight the changes? For example: I have a login titled Agile Bits Discussion with my credentials for this forum. If this record is created or modified it would really be nice for the message sent to me to display, or allow me to display, the entire login in a view similar to the view provided when you hover over a login in the browser extension, highlighting the changes. It would be a bit more obvious when everything is front of mind if I needed to add my user name or other pertinent information to the record that was being added or changed. Simply click the edit button and voila a more complete record.

If I should send this request in via other channels please let me know, if this exists already and I am not bright enough to find it please be gentle and let me know.


1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version: 4.7
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gct3o,

    Unless we're looking at something very odd there is a likely chance that your username was saved and the mistake made by 1Password was not correctly identifying the field. It may be worth looking in the web form details section of the Login item and seeing if it's hiding in there. If it is then you can help correct 1Password's understanding of the page by editing the Login item and once more clicking the show web form details button. As 1Password did identify the password field you'll notice that entry has a silhouette of a key - this is how 1Password knows this field was the password. If you click in the equivalent area for the field that holds your username and select the silhouette of the person 1Password will flag this as the username field.

    I would be interested in learning a bit more about the site where this happened depending on how comfortable you feel about sharing a URL here in our public support forums. Along with the URL it would be good to learn if you saved the Login item on their sign-in page or their registration page.

  • gct3o
    Community Member

    I looked at webform details and it has the username and password fields filled, but I added the username manually when this originally happened so I suspect I can no longer determine what was there when it was created. These are the only webform details.

    Since posting I have done a bit more playing and managed to login. The 1Password extension enters the username correctly. The display then changes to a password entry field and 1Password does not automatically fill in this field. If I simply click on this login item in 1Password something is pasted but the login fails. If I copy the password and then paste it into the password field I can login.

    When I first created the login item I was logging in, the credentials were generated for me elsewhere.

    As far as the URL I prefer not to post it on a public forum. If you reach out to me via email, I am willing to share with you directly.

    Does 1Password allow us to directly access these data when we are prompted after entering a new login or after changing something (like after a changed password)??

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @gct3o,

    Done. You should have an email from us and we can continue the conversation there.

    ref: FTQ-23787-834

This discussion has been closed.