Not saving the Login Informations for


when 1P X ask's me if it should save my Login credentials i say yes.
It creates an entrie for the Site but with no Username or Password.

Its empty. Only the Name and Website is there. on the top in the right corner (Einloggen)

Chrome 65.0.3325.181
1P X 1.6.0

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    Hello again, @blaxxz! 👋

    I just tried saving a new Login Item using the same version of Chrome and 1Password X, but I couldn't seem to recreate the issue as you describe. I made a quick video, could you take a look and let me know if I'm doing something differently from you?


  • vealpool
    Community Member

    Where is the Video?

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    @blaxxz: Whoops – sorry about that! Here it is:


  • vealpool
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    It's not the same as i do.

    I tried it out.

    You created a new Account. You let 1P X create a password and then 1P X asked you to save this Login. This works for me as well.

    But i had an Account before. So i entered my credentials and let 1P X save them.
    In this Case 1P X dont save the Login informations.

    Also in your case 1P X saves 2 URL Websites in the Entry for this Login.
    When you do it in my way, it saves only one URL.

    Try it out ;)

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    Ahh, I see! I figured since I was getting a different result I must be doing something different. Unforently it looks like this website is down right now, but I'll take a look and get it added to our issue tracker once I see it come back up.



  • vealpool
    Community Member

    the page can be reached again

    We had little Internet problems yesterday here in Germany.

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    So it is! I was able to recreate the problem you're seeing and have filed it to our issue tracker. We'll get this fixed as soon as possible and included in a future release of 1Password X.

    Thanks again for your help! 😁


  • vealpool
    Community Member

    Thanks for that :)

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome! 👍


  • vealpool
    Community Member

    So i updated to 1Password X from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0.

    The Problem is still there.
    Isn't this easy to fix?

  • Thanks for checking in on this issue, @blaxxz. We still need to take a closer look at why not all of the correct details are being saved here so it's difficult to say whether this will be a "quick fix" or not. Since we include the relevant issue numbers in the changelog when a new version is released, you'll be able to track when the issue is resolved. Keep an eye out for fixes referring to {fill-165}.

  • vealpool
    Community Member

    Alright. Thank you ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Likewise, thanks for your patience and feedback on this!

  • vealpool
    Community Member

    Version 1.8 saves now the Login for tvnow - thanks :)
    It saves tow Sign-in-Pages. Is this normal?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Version 1.8 saves now the Login for tvnow - thanks :)

    @blaxxz: That's great! Thanks for letting us know! :chuffed:

    It saves tow Sign-in-Pages. Is this normal?

    What do you mean?

  • vealpool
    Community Member

    This here

  • @blaxxz: That's expected. TVNow uses an iframe for their sign-in form that points to In order for 1Password X to fill that form, it needs to have both the website URL ( and the URL that the iframe points to.

  • vealpool
    Community Member

    Thanks for the explanation ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Glad Dalton was able to shed some light on things. iframes can be pretty confusing since they're completely invisible unless you go digging. :)

This discussion has been closed.