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Cancel trail account

Community Member

As a long term and very happy users of 1password I am in the process of changing from single licences on several computers to family membership. In the process of installing 1password on an iPad it has ended up with a single person trial version and is not linked to the family membership. The app has been uninstalled with power cycle and reinstalled but still only links to the single person trial account. I have tried resending the family member invite but the message ’the invite has already been sent’ is displayed and will not resend. The original invite has expired.
So I am in the situation where I can’t get the iPad app to connect to the family membership only the single person trail account. Is there a way of deleting/cancelling the trail account so I can have another go at getting it to work with the family account?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:cancel membership


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @B_Robertson: Unfortunately the only way for them to setup the app with an account under your family plan is for them to use the invitation you sent to setup an account there, and then sign into the app using that account. If they're signing into an individual account they created separately from your family plan, not using the invitation, they'll be using that account instead. Did they not receive the invitation? If so, it could be in their spam folder. Definitely worth a check.

  • B_Robertson
    Community Member

    Thanks for your response Brenty. I have been setting up the PCs and iPad and yes the invitation did arrive and I thought I followed the instructions but for what ever reason somehow a personal account was set up on the iPad. The iPad belongs to my wife and her account is set up and active in family members so the activation did happen there. So all that needs to happen is the trial account on the iPad needs to be canceled and then the iPad should hopefully have access to the family account. Unistalling the app does not work and the iPassword system well not allow sending a new invite to someone already on the members account. The original invite has expired and is no longer active.

  • Could you please elaborate on what you mean by “uninstalling the app does not work?” Uninstalling 1Password for iOS removes all 1Password data from that device, including the memory of what accounts were signed in. If you uninstall/reinstall you should be able to sign in to only the account that is associated with your 1Password Families plan.


  • B_Robertson
    Community Member

    What I have done now is delete my wife’s account and volt in 1Password Family and then sent a new invitation. Then on the iOS device the 1password app has been deleted and the device switched off and on. The Family invite email has been opened and all the steps completed and finally from the app store the app has been downloaded. When the app opens the issue I had before reappears. The presented choices are:
    Start trial of 1Password subscription - I know this is not the correct choice as I did that before and does not link to the family account – this is to ‘add other account’ – I don’t understand what this is but does not seem to connect to the family account.
    iCloud, Dropbox, WLAN Server – All about connecting to things but not the family account.
    Create standalone volt – asks for a new master password so don’t think that is what is needed.

    So I am in the position of having my wife’s account signed up to in the family membership but there seems no way of getting the iOS app to link to it. Can you tell me how to link the iOS app to the family membership please.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @B_Robertson - the option is the one you want. When your wife accepted your invitation and went through all the steps, you'd need to (in your OWN account) confirm her sign-up, and then she'll be a full member of the 1Password Families account. On her device, she needs to save the Emergency Kit (or have it visible), so she can scan the details of her account. You can also have her enter all of the information manually if you wish (and you know what both the Secret Key and the Master Password are). That should get her into her 1Password Families account in 1Password for iOS. Let us know how that goes! :)

  • B_Robertson
    Community Member

    OK now managed to get the system to work. Not sure what I did but the iOS device now syncs with the family membership. Thanks for your time on this. There seems to be a step in the process that is not so obvious as it has taken me quite some time to get the family membership to work. And I spent years in IT support so have some experience. Hopefully it is just me and not a common problem for you guys as 1Password is a truly great thing.

  • Thanks for the feedback Bruce. I’m not entirely clear from this thread what that step that had you hung up would have been, but I’m glad to hear that you’ve overcome it. We appreciate the update. :+1:


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