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Documents and moving accounts

Volunteer Moderator

My 1PW for Families at is getting to the end of its free period.

I think I want to change to an individual membership at (I have a frozen individual account at, but will probably delete that).

I have set up a trial individual membership at and copied my data from the Families account to it. But it looks to me as though my documents did not get copied. Is this normal? Do I have to open each one and then copy it over, or what? Are there any other items that may not have got copied?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AdamP
    Community Member

    I recently moved to and had the same experience, @danco. It's my understanding that documents can't be copied across servers, so you'll have to download them to one of your devices and then add them as new items. Everything else should transfer the same as copying/moving between any two vaults. I was very careful to check the numbers in each corresponding vault before and after to satisfy that it was done correctly.

  • Hi folks,

    That is correct. Documents cannot be moved between accounts at present. We’d like to find a way to make that happen in the future. Downloading and then re-uploading is the workaround.



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