Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

Community Member
edited May 2018 in Families

I want to enable the new two-factor authentication feature.

Is Authy considered secure?

Put aside "convenience", what is the SAFEST way to implement 2FA?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ohreally: Authy is a solid app, and you have a few different options with regard to whether or not things you store there are sync'd. You'd need to contact them to get more detailed answers, but hopefully that helps. But you don't have to use that; you can use any app you want which can generate TOTP codes for this purpose. And I'm not sure what you mean by "safest", as, just like any of your other account credentials, no one will be able to sign into your account without all of them, and they'd need to get those from you. While short, the TOTP code has the benefit of being usable only for a short period before it changes. The important thing is that you also backup your TOTP secret like you do your other account credentials so you don't get locked out. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    And Authy is one of the authenticator apps mentioned in this support article:

    Turn on two-factor authentication for your 1Password account

    Cheers. :)

  • ohreally
    Community Member

    thank you @brenty @sjk

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time! :) :+1:

  • prime
    Community Member

    @ohreally I use Authy and it’s pretty solid, easy to use, a good company. When 1Password launched, I was playing around with certain ones for fun. There was one I tried called Authenticatior (all Black app with a white coutdown for a logo) and I can easily accidentally delete my TOTP. That can be bad.

    Authy does have a back up and syncing feature, but I don’t use it. IMO it’s a weak point and I won’t risk. A helpful advice can be found in this post about making it easier to set up a new TOTP.

  • ohreally
    Community Member

    thanks @prime !

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I can easily accidentally delete my TOTP. That can be bad.

    @prime: :scream: Glad you mentioned it, in case that helps others!

    Authy does have a back up and syncing feature, but I don’t use it. IMO it’s a weak point and I won’t risk. A helpful advice can be found in this post about making it easier to set up a new TOTP.

    Thank you for linking that! It was a great discussion. I was looking for it earlier but couldn't find it, and I didn't want to say "go look for..." when I myself was unable to locate it. :sweat:

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