Category for warranties

Community Member

Would be useful to have an area to keep warranty plan numbers and contact numbers dates and receipts along with everything else.

1Password Version: 7.0 Beta-10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @idkirk: Secure Notes are great for this! I don't expect that we'll be adding an all new category just for something like warranties, but in the future we would like to make it possible to create custom categories. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • HelmutJG
    Community Member

    "...but in the future we would like to make it possible to create custom categories." I am waiting hard for this. Please don't wait too long with that.

  • @HelmutJG,

    It’ll likely be a while. It is something that is on the “nice to have” list, but it’ll take a large amount of time and effort across all of our teams to implement. Every 1Password application as well as the 1Password membership backend will need to be updated to understand custom categories.


  • HelmutJG
    Community Member

    OK well understood. Thanks for your response.


  • You’re very welcome. As our team grows hopefully there will be more opportunity to implement features like this. :)


  • HelmutJG
    Community Member

    Well then, how about implementing a feature that allows the user to move items from one existing category to another. When I started with 1Password I had no experience and a lot of my items would originally belong into another category. It would be a great help if I could at least move my items from a wrong specified category into another one. That would save me a lot of time. You could show a warning to the user if the destination category does not hold one or more fields of the source category.


  • @HelmutJG

    Could you please explain how you’d picture that working? What if I try to change a bank account item into a login item, or vise vera? They have almost nothing in common.


  • HelmutJG
    Community Member

    I would not change a bank account into a login item but I would like to change a login item into a member ship item for instance or vice versa. I guess 90% of all entries have a login with a password required. That's the purpose of such a program like 1Password. But not all would be considered as logins as a category. I mean you also have to login into a member ship.
    For instance this forum. I created this account and 1Password put it automatically into the category logins. For me this is more of a member ship because I feel like being a member in this forum even if I have to login. It's just my personal feeling.

  • Only Login items can be filled into websites, though, memberships cannot.

    In any event, we appreciate the feedback. Something to consider. :)


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