Item Reverts to old password after update

Community Member

Hey there! Big fan experiencing a weird issue. It's persistent and has happened on multiple sites for the past few months.

When i'm updating a password, I use the generator in the existing 1P item. The site has 3 input boxes (old pw, new pw, confirm new pw) and my flow goes like this:

  1. Open 1P, find existing entry for
  2. Copy old password ("123") and put it in first text box
  3. Press "edit"
  4. Press little circle to generate new password ("456")
  5. hit "save"
  6. copy new password
  7. paste into 2nd and 3rd boxes
  8. Submit form
  9. 1P pops up asking if I'd like to update my password for, I hit yes
  10. Check in item, password is now "123" again. My new password shows up in "previously used passwords", but not as the main item.

My guess is that it's picking up the old pw verification on form submit. Might be better to find the first input field that isn't the existing password or start at the second pw field.

Aside, is there a better flow to go through to update a password? I've been saying "no don't update" because I know the item is right already.

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.8.8 (688002) AgileBits Store
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.12.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • pervel
    Community Member

    You're definitely not following the recommended procedure for changing passwords. In particular you're not supposed to edit and save the entry manually. In fact, doing so is likely the cause of your problem. You can read a full explanation of how to do it here:

    But very quickly the process should be:

    1. Go to the site's change password page.
    2. Use 1Password to fill in your current password.
    3. Use 1Password's password generator to generate and fill in your new password.
    4. Save changes on the site's change password page.
    5. When 1Passwords asks if you want to update the existing item, click "Update Existing"

    That should be it. No manual edits needed. Occasionally there are sites where one or more of the points above might fail. In that case you may have to copy/paste the passwords manually. Sometimes that last point might fail, in which case you can find the new password in the password category. See

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @xavdid: Indeed, sorry for the confusion there! If you change the password yourself first and then tell 1Password to save the old one again, it will dutifully do so...but that's not really what you want. Definitely check out the password change guide, and don't overthink it. I do that a lot, and that gets me into similar situations, so I can relate! And keep in mind that in either case, you have a safety net in the form of password history in the login itself, and also generated passwords are saved when you use them, in case you don't save a login when you did want to. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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