1Password Mini - Applescript in Version 7

Community Member


I opened the 1Password with the following applescript and copied the password over the name:

tell application "System Events" to tell process "1Password mini"
open location "x-onepassword-helper://search/@Boxcryptor"
end tell

unfortunately this "x-onepassword-helper://search/" does not work for me now. Can you help me there and tell me the right input for the 7 version?

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.13.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • rudy
    edited May 2018


    1Password mini no longer exists as a process either, you'll want to replace that with 1Password 7. All the UI is in the main application now.

    how about onepassword7://search/ ?


  • appleianer
    Community Member
    edited May 2018


    thank you very much for the quick answer.
    Unfortunately your suggestion opens the 1Password main window and not the 1Password Mini.

    In my YouTube Video you can see how and what I used the AppleScript for.

    First I help myself with the 1Password Mini Shortcut and inserting the search term (red fields) in the keyboard Maestro macro.
    Maybe you will find a way to call the 1Password Mini with an AppleScript after all.

    Best regards from Germany

  • @appleianer,

    onepassword7://extension/search/searchterm ?


  • appleianer
    Community Member


    thank you very much for the quick feedback.
    The solution to my problem was:


    Now I have the problem that the shortcut ⌘⇧ C no longer copies the password from the 1Password Mini 7.
    The 1Password Mini 6 worked perfectly.
    Is there a new solution for?

  • @appleianer,

    it should still function, in addition to some added shortcuts:

    cmd + shift + c should copy the password
    cmd + control + c should copy username
    cmd + shift + control + c should copy totp code


  • I'm able to reproduce this bug. Something appears broken with the copy shortcuts.

  • appleianer
    Community Member


    strangely enough, it doesn't work with the 2 accounts where I try out my AppleScript.
    For several other accounts copying with ⌘⇧ C works perfectly.

    I'll keep trying and hope dies last... ;)

  • It may have to do with the item not having a username field.

    cmd-shift-c copies the first field
    cmd-control-c copies the second field
    cmd-shift-control-c copies the third field or TOTP if there is one.

    If I try cmd-shift-c on an item with a password and no username, nothing is copied. In this case, cmd-control-c work for copying the password.

  • appleianer
    Community Member


    a thousand thanks for your help @chadseld :)
    That's what the problem was with the missing usernames. I added one to the 2 accounts and already my AppleScript for the autofill is running again.

    1Password Mini 6 made no difference and copied the password perfectly with ⌘⇧ C

    Thank you again for your help.

  • I'm glad that works.

This discussion has been closed.