Get rid of 1P7 app icon jumping in dock after restart.

Community Member
edited May 2018 in Mac


After a restart, the 1P7 icon is jumping in my Dock and closes directly. I do not have 1P7 in my top-menu-bar and 1P7 is not present in the list of start-up items (account log-in). Is there a way to get rid of that startup app icon (possible for the 1P mini.. 1P6 does not have that behavior.

= feek

1Password Version: 7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • netnothing
    Community Member

    I agree. Seems like weird behavior to have the app open in the dock and then go away.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @1feek - Can you clarify for me a little bit? When you say "jumping in my Dock," what do you mean? Does 1Password's icon appear in the dock and "jump" continuously? Or is it just once or twice?

  • netnothing
    Community Member

    @Lars for me it appears in the dock (because I don't have it in my dock), bounces a few times and then disappears. I'm assuming it will bounce more/less the slower/faster your computer is as it loads.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @netnothing - I can understand how it might seem strange, but we changed quite a bit of 1Password's makeup "under the hood" for version 7. Specifically, the mini and the main app are now one process; you can't run one without the other. That's why, if you have the box "Always keep 1Password Extension Helper running" (the new name for the mini), you will see 1Password briefly launch itself enough to allow the mini to launch into your Mac's menubar, before politely excusing itself. :)

  • netnothing
    Community Member

    @Lars no worries. I can see now why it’s needed since they are the same process. Thanks for the clarification.

  • 1feek
    Community Member

    For me it jumps twice and then it disappears again. I do understand that it is related to the new 1P7 mini, but isn't it possible to use a kind of stealth mode, so the starting app does not appears during the startup in the dock?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @1feek - I'm honestly not sure. I can forward along that idea, but I suspect if such a thing was possible, we'd have used it, since one of the goals was to make the experience of using 1Password 7 as close to the experience of 1Password 6 as possible. Thanks for bringing it up!

  • 1feek
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Would be great if you could implement this option. Right now it id (for me) not the way it should be!

    f.e. the CodeKit App have an option hide the icon in the dock. And there are more apps like Keyboard Maestro

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for weighing in on this one, @1feek - we'll see what we can do.

  • DmitryIvanov
    Community Member


    An issue is still there, which is a bit annoying.

  • reageerbuis
    Community Member

    It would be nice if at least a more substantive answer could be posted.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for weighing in, @DmitryIvanov and @reageerbuis! :)

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