1P7 and Attachments

Community Member


I have some concerns about how 1password 7 handles Attachments, maybe you can help me to understand how they work in 1P 7
If I understand correctly while in 1P6 the attachments were inside a single items, in 1p 7 have their own category apart, and are connected to one or more items through a kind of "link"? did I get it right ?
This can be an improvement much depends on the workflow of the individual user, but for how I use 1P7 creates some troubles

My attachments are all different, I do not use the same attachment for multiple items.
I use attachments to store documents linked to items such as invoices in the software license items, or .txt or .PDF files with special instructions for the server and email accounts items, and each items usually has two or more attachments.
This causes me the following issues:

1) When I delete an item, 1P 7 does not delete the attachments "linked" to that item. It would be useful that 1P 7 could do it, perhaps asking the user if he wants to cancel the linked attachemnst or not

2) It's about how 1P7 displays attachments

1) In 1P 7 if you have more attachments connected to a single items, it has become difficult to display them one after the other, because   every time you click on an attachments you leave that item and go to the new "attachemnts document", I do not know if it's the definition right,  and it is inconvenient to have to return to the item that contains the attachments you want to open each time

2) I did not understand how I can copy a 1P7 attachments to my desktop, the drag and drop that worked with 1P 6 does not work with 1P 7

3) when I browse all the items i 1P 7 I also find all the documents attachments, this makes the display very chaotic

Can you please do something about it?


1Password Version: 7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud and 1Password.eu


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I have some concerns about how 1password 7 handles Attachments, maybe you can help me to understand how they work in 1P 7
    If I understand correctly while in 1P6 the attachments were inside a single items, in 1p 7 have their own category apart, and are connected to one or more items through a kind of "link"? did I get it right ?

    @RickS: I am sorry for the confusion there. This really isn't a 1Password 6/7 issue at all.

    1Password 6 only supported attachments insofar as it could import them from a local vault into a 1Password account, where of course they would be converted to Documents. 1Password memberships uses Documents (a separate item for each uploaded file) instead of attachments (literally a file attached to another item), and 1Password 6 only supported 1Password accounts. Similarly, "linking" or "related items" is a 1Password memberships feature, so that will be present if you're using a membership.

    So what you're seeing in 1Password 7 is that it supports both local vaults (as a standalone app with a license purchase) and 1Password.com accounts (as a subscription), and supports attachments and Documents for each respectively. When you're using a local vault, you won't see any Documents, as those don't exist there. When you're just using a 1Password.eu account, you won't see any attachments, as those don't exist there.

    This can be an improvement much depends on the workflow of the individual user, but for how I use 1P7 creates some troubles
    My attachments are all different, I do not use the same attachment for multiple items.

    I use attachments to store documents linked to items such as invoices in the software license items, or .txt or .PDF files with special instructions for the server and email accounts items, and each items usually has two or more attachments.

    This causes me the following issues:
    1) When I delete an item, 1P 7 does not delete the attachments "linked" to that item. It would be useful that 1P 7 could do it, perhaps asking the user if he wants to cancel the linked attachemnst or not

    It's something we can consider for future versions.

    2) It's about how 1P7 displays attachments
    1) In 1P 7 if you have more attachments connected to a single items, it has become difficult to display them one after the other, because every time you click on an attachments you leave that item and go to the new "attachemnts document", I do not know if it's the definition right, and it is inconvenient to have to return to the item that contains the attachments you want to open each time

    I hear you. We do want to add something like bidirectional links in the future. I think that could help.

    2) I did not understand how I can copy a 1P7 attachments to my desktop, the drag and drop that worked with 1P 6 does not work with 1P 7

    You can click on it when viewing the Document ("click to download") to save a local copy. Just keep in mind that saving or viewing it outside of 1Password means it will be decrypted there.

    3) when I browse all the items i 1P 7 I also find all the documents attachments, this makes the display very chaotic Can you please do something about it?

    You can search to find the specific thing you want, or view other individual categories instead of Documents. We don' have plans to exclude Documents from the full item list. That would make it hard for people to find them, just like if other items were hidden.

  • RickS
    Community Member

    Ok, thanks for the answer.
    Unfortunately, the current management of attachments in 1P 7 + memberships , and the move from folders to tags, tags that do not support drag and drop, and that are currently more inconvenient to use than the old folders, are for me big problems.

    For now I'm going to stay with 1Password 6, if in the future the management of attachments and Tags (Ex folder) will improve I will be happy to move to 1Password 7

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RickS: I'm not having any trouble dragging items onto tags in the sidebar to assign them. Can you tell me more about the issues you're having?

  • RickS
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    @brenty: First of all thanks for your help.
    then it must be my specific problem, probably something happened in conversion of my vault from 1P 6 to 1P 7.
    In fact the conversion from Folder to tag has given me several troubles, in practice I have not been able to convert the folders in tags, I try to better understand myself:
    I use 1Password 6 downloaded from the MAS and synch via iCloud, in 1P 6 I use both TAGs and Folders, many indented folders and only few TAGS, after the upgrade ad conversion from 1P 6 sync with iCloud to 1P 7 sync via 1password.eu, the new vault had all my items, all the tags, but no folders.
    I tried to reset 1P 7 and redo the import several times but the result was always the same, no folders.
    So I create a series of TAGS by hand, editing the items, quite inconvenient operation because it forces me to select edit many Items by hand to create the main structure of the old folder, now tags, this worked well.
    But once I've created the main tag structure, I could not use the drag & drop, to add a tag or an indented tag to a items, if I tried, nothing happened, both with the items that have no tags, or with those that already have one or more tags
    I did all the tests with 1P 7.0.0, I am currently back at 1P 6 and have deleted all the items in my vault on 1password.eu.

    I understand very well that the tags are an improvement over the folders.
    Because the TAGs allow, together with the "smart folders", greater flexibility in connect different items in one logical category.
    My doubts about the abandonment of the folders in favor of the tags derive from how I have used the tags and the folders up to now.
    This is because in 1P 6 I use folders and tags for different purposes.
    In 1P6 I use many indent folders, more than 40, to gather logically similar items (obviously logically similar for me), like the folders in the finder, for example:
    Mail (Folder)
    --> Google (Subfolder)
    --> Yahoo (Subfolder)
    Hosting (Folder)
    --> A (Subfolder)
    --> B (Subfolder)
    --> C (Subfolder)

    Instead I use only few tags, no more than 10, for example, I use the TAG "OTP" for all items that have two-factor authentication, or the TAG "parent" for all the items you have to do with my parents.

    Of course I can do the same even with 1P 7 using TAGs and smart folders together, I just have to figure out how to do it in a comfortable way for me.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RickS: I'm sorry for the trouble you've been having. Thank you for elaborating on your specific use case. While 1Password will be using tags going forward, this can help us identify ways we can make it useful to more people. You're especially right that managing them is not as easy as we'd like it to be. It isn't clear to me from your comments if you mean that you have some folders you want to convert to tags but haven't yet, or if you just mean as far as changing your workflow, but if the former, version 7.0.2 offers an option (under the Tools menu) to convert them, in case that helps. Thanks again for your feedback! :)

  • RickS
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty.
    I wanted to say both:
    Not even one of my folders has been converted and the passage from the folders to the tags for me means a big change in my workflow, this for two reasons:
    1) In 1P6 I used both the folders and the tags, so in 1p 7 I'll have to find a way to differentiate the TAGS of 1P 6, from the old folder of 1P 6 converted into TAGS in 1P 7, unfortunately in some cases in !P 6 I had used the same name for both folders and tags.
    2) While the folders are logically containers, the TAGS are like labels, and it is correct that it is so, but, this difference leads me to the following problem, related to how I used folders in 1P 6.
    In 1p6 it was normal for me to move items from one folder to another especially in the case of "software licenses", "Servers", and some types of "Logins", I did it to select those elements that were about to expire and had to be renewed, for example annual subscriptions, password, ecc.
    With 1P 7 I can not do it anymore, because the TAGs are added to each other, hey do not replace each other.
    For example if I drag an items first on the tag "2018" and after on the TAG "2019", at the end my Item will have two tags "2018" and "2019", this is correct because this is how tags must work, but it creates problems for me, because I have to invent a different way of cataloging my items. For me, for my workflow the folder system, although less flexible, was more practical and faster.
    But as I said it's my problem, I just have to find a satisfactory solution for me.

    I have not tried 1P 7.0.2 yet, so I do not know if you have already implemented it, but if it were not, please add as soon as possible the possibility to create TAGS and TAGS indented directly through a context menu, as it was for the folders, this would really help me


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RickS: I'm sorry for the trouble we've caused you. :( Indeed, it sounds like you have a well-defined workflow, and 1Password 7 changes that. It isn't yet possible to do a lot with nested tags, UI-wise, but it's something we're actively working on across all platforms because we want it to be consistent and powerful. I'd encourage you to update and convert your remaining folders (you should only have to do this with the local vault, so switch to that first) just so you've got tags everywhere and can start adjusting. And I do apologize that in the short term they will not be easy to work with, both because they're not what you're used to and because we still have a lot of work to do in this area. But the good news it that it's only going to get better for you in both regards, both as you incorporate them into your workflow and as we roll out updates in the future to make them better for you as well. :blush:

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