Folders from 1Password 6 were NOT converted to Tags in 1Password 7.

Community Member
edited May 2018 in Mac

I upgraded last night from version 6.89 to version 7. When I did the conversion, everything appeared to be OK, but this morning I now noticed that 90% of my folders were NOT converted to tags. I spent a lot of time working on organizing my logins, and I'm now not sure they're all there. Was I wrong to "trust" your app to do the conversion? It seems so.

Also, the size of my old "agilekeychain" file was 25mb; the new "opvault" file is only 2.3mb. Is that normal??

And, does this new vault version work with 1Password 6 and with all of the mobile versions? I had a lot of trouble this morning synching with my iPad.

Not really very happy right now. Bordering on boiling over...

1Password Version: 7.0
Extension Version: N/A
OS Version: 10.12.6
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:1password 7


  • RickS
    Community Member

    I have the same problem none of my folders have been converted to Tags

  • michaelfrankel
    Community Member

    Well, RickS, nice to know I'm not the only one.

    I'm on the fence about canceling the upgrade, getting a refund, re-installing version 6, and trashing version 7. I've spent a lot of time making sure the data there is correct, and if the upgrade screwed that up, I'm not sure I can forgive that.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @michaelfrankel - sorry to hear you've had some bumps in the road on the way to upgrading.

    the size of my old "agilekeychain" file was 25mb; the new "opvault" file is only 2.3mb. Is that normal??

    A lot depends on the contents of any particular vault, but yes -- size is one of the advantages of the newer OPVault format.

    does this new vault version work with 1Password 6 and with all of the mobile versions? I had a lot of trouble this morning synching with my iPad.

    To be clear, OPVault is not "new." It's actually almost six years old, which makes it quite mature at this point...but it's still a spring chicken compared with Agile Keychain. If you want to read more about OPVault's advantages over Agile Keychains, you can do that here -- or if you're up for a deeper dive into the "guts" of the format, the full specs are here. And yes, it's compatible with 1Password for Mac, Windows, and iOS. However, it IS a different sync keychain than what you were using previously. Are all your devices syncing to the same OPVault keychain now?

    ...90% of my folders were NOT converted to tags.

    That one, I can't help with immediately, since I don't know what things looked like prior to upgrading to 1Password 7 for Mac. If you feel as if the conversion from folders > tags didn't happen properly, we can start you over from scratch and do the conversion process again. Let me know.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @RickS - Sorry for the trouble, but can you elaborate a bit more? What version did you start from, and how did you go about the upgrade process?

  • michaelfrankel
    Community Member

    Lars, I followed the instructions that were provided when I did the upgrade.

    What I was told to do in these instructions were (1) download and install 1Password7, (2) Open it, (3) Purchase it, and (4) Let it convert the old data to the new format. That's exactly what I did.

    When you say you can't help immediately, that makes me wonder how thoroughly this version was tested before it was released. In my mind, you folks should know almost every nook and cranny of the upgrade process backwards and forwards.

    I can try it again, but I need VERY DETAILED instructions. For spending another $50, I'm not very happy about having to do this process again. In my mind, I shouldn't have to, but I'm willing to do it if it will resolve the issue.

    Awaiting detailed instructions.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @michaelfrankel - OK, here's how to go about removing all 1Password 7 data:

    • In 1Password 7, go to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset All 1Password Data. This will do exactly what it says, then it will quit 1Password.
    • Open Terminal and copy/paste the following commands, one at a time, pressing Enter after each one:

      • rm ~/Library/Containers/
      • rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/1Password\ 4/Data/.migrationConsidered
      • killall cfprefsd
    • Open your 1Password 7 for Mac installer again, and go through the installation process.

    Let us know how that goes for you.

  • michaelfrankel
    Community Member

    Well, Lars. This was a waste of time and it changed nothing.

    The first terminal command you gave me said it could not find that file or folder. Not sure what that means. The other two worked.

    Then when I went to install it, it would NOT let me select my old 1Password 6 keychain. I tried it as it was, 1Password.legacyagilekeychain, then I renamed it to 1Password.agilekeychain. In both cases, the converter in 1Password 7 refused to let me select it. I could only select the previous opvault file.

    I'm no better off than when I started.

    What's next??

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    The first terminal command you gave me said it could not find that file or folder. Not sure what that means.

    I am. It means that nothing was found there. Those two "rm" commands are for removing migration considered markers from each of the two options for where your previous 1Password data might have been stored: the Mac App Store version or our (AgileBits') version. One of them not working means you had data in only one location...which is correct (you didn't have both the Mac App Store version AND our version installed).

    I could only select the previous opvault file.

    So, is that what you did? Select the previous OPVault file? Or did you stop there? What do you see in 1Password now?

  • michaelfrankel
    Community Member

    I did select it. The status is the same. Almost ALL of my previously existing folders (which were converted to tags) are either gone or have significantly fewer entries in them than before.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @michaelfrankel - OK. At this point, to get a better idea of what's on your system currently, I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the Subject line of your diagnostics email before sending it:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. We'll take a look and let you know what we find out.

    ref: KTH-83417-312

  • michaelfrankel
    Community Member


  • BrianAmira
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    I have the exact same problem, however I have NO tags at all after conversion. I can open my 1Password.opvault in v6 and all my folders are there. I open it in v7 and I have no folders (obviously) and no tags. I'm using the licensed version with dropbox syncing. My iOS 1password still shows all folders.

    ref: ZMW-96648-861

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @BrianAmira: What "conversion" method did you use?

  • BrianAmira
    Community Member

    I ran the installer and let it do its thing. First it converted everything to a trial 1password account. I deleted account and purchased the license version, pointing it back to dropbox. I've also tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling 1 password. My folders never get converted to tags.

  • @BrianAmira We just released 1Password 7.0.2 and it has a button to manually convert folders to tags, so let's try that. Open and unlock 1Password for Mac, then click Help > Tools > Migrate Folders to Tags. Let us know how it goes! 🤘

  • BrianAmira
    Community Member

    That fixed it. Thanks!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excellent! Thanks for the update. On behalf of Jacob, you are most welcome! I'm glad to hear that all is well. It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help! :)

  • bookrats
    Community Member

    I had a very similar problem to this, when upgrading to 1Password7 at the beginning of July, and converting my 1Password 6 vault to 1Password 7.0.6:

    In 1Password 6, I kept all of my 1Password items organized in folders (many of them nested folders.) Also, some of the items in 1Password also had a tag associated with them.

    After the conversion to 1Password7, I reviewed the converted vault. All my folders had been converted to tags — and nesting had been done correctly. (Yay!)

    However, when comparing the new 1Password7 vault with the old 1Password 6 vault, I noticed that some of the converted “folders” in 1Password7 were missing items that had been contained in that folder in 1Password6.

    For example, I had a folder in 1Password6, “MOM & DAD”, that contained 29 items. In 1Password7, after the conversion, there was a new tag, “MOM & DAD” — but there were only 28 items tagged with the “MOM & DAD” tag. Where was the 29th?

    This lead to about 6 hours of comparing my 1Password6 to 1Password7 vaults, entry by entry, to try and find the “missing” items. At the end, I discovered the items had been converted; however, for each of these items, the folder had not been converted into a corresponding tag.

    Some data that might be useful to you, in analyzing the problem:

    • Of the approximately 600 items in my vault, 20 items exhibited this problem.
    • In all 20 items, the item was contained in a 1Password6 folder, and it also had a tag associated with it in 1Password6.
    • However, I had many other items in 1Password 6 that were contained in a folder, and had a tag associated with it, which did not exhibit this problem -- i.e., the folder was correctly converted into a corresponding tag in 1Password7.

    That's as far as I got. Since I’m now completely converted to 1Password7, and have tracked down the “missing” items, I’m OK — I don’t need help. I’m just reporting this to you, in case any of this helps you track down the problem.

    However, (with half a day shot trying to figure out what had happened to my “missing” items) I have to say that this was not a satisfactory upgrade process for me; and certainly not what I’ve come to expect from Agilebits and 1Password. I’ve been using 1Password since 2012, and own the latest versions of the Mac, iPhone and iPad 1Password software; and up until 1Password7 for the Mac, I've had no problems whatsoever with your software.

    I hope that this was just a blip, and that future versions won’t be this much of a hassle to upgrade to.

  • Hi @bookrats ,

    We are in the midst of tracking down a few issues with converted folders. Thanks for taking the time to provide the information! That'll help us when improving the conversion.


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