Can we get docked windows back on MacOS? Or have an option to have windows docked?

Community Member

The title pretty much sums it up, but I don't like how the new windows aren't docked whenever the icons (both in the upper tool bar and in the browser) are clicked.

It was convenient having the docked windows instantly right next to the mouse pointer and it looked soooo much cleaner. Can there be an option so that we can set it to have the windows docked like it was in 1Password 6.

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0 (70000017) Mac App Store
Extension Version:
OS Version: MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4 (17E202)
Sync Type: iCloud


  • enkaytee
    Community Member

    I second this - the docked mini interface in previous versions seemed so much more intuitive...

  • dmz
    Community Member

    I third this. Also see the discussion in the beta forum:

  • lonestarrider
    Community Member

    I hate this new box thing that drops down it slow and it takes MORE CLICKS to find info or password!
    Did I say I hate it! Yes I hate it! Bring back the older and quicker Dropdown Menus!!!!!!!

    This is in the Mac OS and the Internet browser!

  • Sheza
    Community Member

    Agreed. It's one thing to make it so big t's now 1Password Midi, but the REAL kicker is that it's not tracked to when you activated it from. Moving the window to be nearer the Safari toolbar icon ruins it when you want to activate from the macOS menu bar, or when you want to activate it from Google Chrome, which has the extension buttons on the complete opposite site.

  • KushMastaFresh
    Community Member

    I totally agree with @Sheza as well

    By making mini perform similarly based on the location of the icon (including the icon on the MacOS toolbar), it made the behavior much more predictable and consistent, even when the browser layouts were different (or even if the operating system were different). As long as you could find the icon, you knew exactly what to expect and what was going to happen when you clicked it. It was a nice self contained package that only required you to focus on one area based around the icon

  • Thanks for the feedback everyone! We're still improving 1Password mini, as I've mentioned in a few other threads, and our design team has as well. :)

  • timbits
    Community Member

    Yes - 1PW Mini obscures information that was previously available and now I have to make multiple clicks to get access to my data. I don't understand the need to make the app more complicated.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    I don't understand the need to make the app more complicated.

    The goal wasn't to "make the app more complicated," it has (always) been to make it more useful and/or secure. And the feedback we received from many users was that they wished the mini allowed them to do more and see more, without having to open the main app. As Jacob mentioned above, we intend to continue to iterate on the new changes in 1Password 7, but "going back to the old way of doing it" probably isn't one you're likely to see.

  • timbits
    Community Member


    And the feedback we received from many users was that they wished the mini allowed them to do more and see more, without having to open the main app.

    The new mini obscures / hides data that was previously readily available. And makes the user click more to get to the data they need. Honestly the I thought the update broke 1PW yesterday after I ran the update. The new 1PW is so difficult to use I started reading reviews of other password managers. If I've got to relearn how to use a password manager there might be one that is easier to learn. And I've been using 1PW for a long time...

  • KushMastaFresh
    Community Member

    @Lars @Jacob
    Change is good and necessary and Agilebits has a good track record and can be trusted to make changes for the better which I think most of us still believe (I know I do). But this change was a mistake. I love and appreciate that you're listening to our feedback, that's more than most companies will do, but it'd be nice to hear an acknowledgement that just maybe you guys recognize that maybe these changes to the 1Password mini browser were less than ideal and that you guys would at least consider brining back some of the features of the old browser that your user-base is voicing they miss.

    Now, maybe it's possible that this (and the other thread(s) started on the same topic) represents only a very small minority of your users (excluding new users who've only started using 1Password 7 since they're not aware of the previous functionality of the mini browser) and overall it is actually in fact a change that most people prefer which would make it a legitimate improvement. However, if these threads do represent the opinions of the majority of the 1Password user-base, then it's kind of like you're saying "YOU know what's best for US and that we just don't understand the benefits" which may actually be the case at times. Most of us probably have very little to no understanding of cryptography nor do we develop software so we may have incorrect/illegitimate opinions regarding those facets, but we do know what we like and enjoy using more when interacting with something.

  • aivnvaquwkjxolts
    Community Member

    The experience on 1Password X is great - nice, double-height, easily clickable object, right where it belongs, either in the field itself, or in the dropdown. 1P6 was fine, too. But 7 is SUPER hard to use from a pure usability standpoint. I'm a usability professional, so that's my professional opinion, too. :-)

    Plus, who asked to see a whole litany of probably-useless information like identities, credit cards, possibly-related-but-most-likely-not-related sites? That stuff could have been on the left panel: Logins for this site, Suggestions, Identities, Cards, PW Gen, etc.

    It seems that you guys have made the assumption that a one-size (literally) fits-all window would be better than bespoke user interface elements scattered throughout the product. May be better for code re-use, but kills usability. Dare I say that this UX change put 1P at the bottom of the heap now, with Dashlane and LP rating better (from a pure usability perspective... those products still fall short in many other ways).

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @timbits - as long as you're using something that suits your workflow, that beats password re-use or an Excel spreadsheet, we'll be happy. I'm not saying we don't value your input or care about keeping you as a customer -- we do. But we don't make decisions based upon any one person's requests or wishes, so if it turns out that after consideration we still wind up making decisions you can't live with, usability-wise, we hope you'll stay safe out there, whatever you choose to do ultimately.

    The new mini obscures / hides data that was previously readily available.

    I confess I don't know what you're referring to here, unless it's a screen real-estate issue where the mini is overlaying other windows on a smaller screen. Can you elaborate?

  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    just updated to 1Password 7 and... ugh. Please bring the dropdown menus back in 1password mini and the Windows browser extensions! Everything takes 3 times it took on the previous interface. That change is a huge step backward, you should leave the choice of the interface to the user instead of making such a forceful change without warning. The dropdown interface worked like a breeze. I see on this forum I am not alone thinking this.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JulienLB - again, please refrain from posting the identical comments in multiple threads. Doing so only slows the support experience for other posters who have come here with questions they need answers for.

  • Hi @JulienLB @timbits ,

    This isn't the first time we've heard that it takes more clicks to use it. Can you elaborate on that? When I want to fill a login in a web page, I click on mini, then I click on the item, and it fills. What did you do in the previous version?

    And I want to reiterate that yes, we will be making changes to mini in the future. These changes won't happen overnight, and it won't be identical to the previous version of mini, but we are taking the feedback in threads like these very seriously and will be considering it all when we make changes.


  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    in the previous interface, I needed only to click to see my tags at a glance, then moving the mouse directly to the needed login again and click on it (or right-click if I wanted more options). Now I have to click, click on the relevant tag, and click again. What a waste of time, compared to the previous version. Psychologically, you felt more in control indeed. Now I am "obeying" the requirement of the new interface in order to access my date. That's not quite the same feeling!

  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    ... data, not date;-)

  • Thanks for elaborating @JulienLB , we'll take that into consideration.


  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    Thank you for taking my comment into account @ag_kevin. I need also to travel "more distance" with the mouse pointer, moving my hand across instead of simply adjusting its position to select the right login on screen. That makes a big difference too.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JulienLB - thanks for the elaboration. :) As ag_kevin mentioned, we'll be considering feedback as we look to iterate on the current mini's operation. In the meantime, if efficiency and speed are your primary concerns with 1Password use, I'd invite you to consider familiarizing yourself with our extensive keyboard shortcuts; it's by far the fastest and most efficient way to use 1Password, on any platform with a keyboard.

  • tyrannosauruses
    Community Member

    I see that I can save the size and position of the new mini, but that's not what I want. I expect it to act like a dropdown menu from where I click it. It's unintuitive every time I launch 1Password 7 from one of my browser windows that it shows up in the same place every time. I pretty much never use the top toolbar item to launch it.

    (Mac OS X 10.13 user)

  • @tyrannosauruses

    How are you opening 1Password mini?


  • tyrannosauruses
    Community Member

    Clicking the 1p7 icon on the top bar of any browser. Doing that with Safari, Chrome, or Firefox or clicking the icon on the top menu bar in the operating system all launch the 1p mini window in the same place.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tyrannosauruses - thanks for the clarification. This is working as designed; the mini will appear wherever you last were using it. I understand from your posts you don't enjoy this behavior, but it isn't a bug or a problem with your setup.

  • tyrannosauruses
    Community Member

    I've seen posts from heavy users and designers talking about Fitts Law and I'd like to dogpile on that. It takes longer to use every time I launch 1Password mini, even before we get into any of the other changes.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tyrannosauruses - thanks for sharing your perspective. :)

This discussion has been closed.