Differences between MacOSX 1Password 7 MacAppStore version and direct download version

Community Member

What are the differences between the two versions of 1Password 7 for Mac, besides the fact that standalone licenses are available only through the direct download version?

1Password Version: 1Password 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Mac OSX
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • mac1
    Community Member

    If I can, I will ask the second question immediately: will I have to pay monthly and be in the subscription model when I decide to update from 1Password 6.8.8 (current version) on a Mac to 1Password 7 on a Mac?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @duelist77. That one item you've already detailed, that standalone licences are only available in the AgileBits Store version direct from us, should be the only difference. We've always worked to make sure that feature-wise the two are identical and as the AgileBits Store version of 1Password 7 for Mac is sandboxed like the Mac App Store they're now even closer to being identical than they have in the past. Let's say you have a 1Password account set up in 1Password 7 for Mac. You should find the two versions are completely interchangeable although I haven't personally tested that yet.

    @mac1. 1Password 7 for Mac continues to allow for the purchase of a licence for standalone vaults. While we believe 1Password accounts have a lot to offer the licence model is still alive in 1Password 7. The 1Password account subscription service is not obligatory.

    Please do say if either of you have any further questions or feel something hasn't been answered in full by me.

  • duelist77
    Community Member

    Is there any differences with respect to membership billing based on whether I use the MAS version or the direct download version? Or is that based on where I opened the membership account (in the MAS version app vs. in the direct download version app vs. in the 1password website)? Is there any price difference for the same membership and billing frequency between paying through Apple in-app purchase or directly paying 1password? Thanks.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @duelist77 the only difference I can think of is that Apple Subscriptions are often billed in your local currency whereas direct billing subscriptions are always billed in the currency of the server you are using (USD for .com, CAD for .ca, EUR for .eu). Otherwise they are the same and you should be able to pick both monthly and yearly billing cycles for both.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Note that the .com site will initially show you the price without tax, and only add tax when you come to pay (as, until you have filled in card details, it does not know where you are) whereas the App Store already knows where you are and so gives the price including tax right from the start.

  • Sheza
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    AgileBits staff are omitting to tell you one other important difference: the App Store review process takes longer. As such, bug fixes in 7.0.1 were available about 3 days earlier for standalone users.

    If you want bug fixes & feature improvements (and there will be many with this release) fastest, don't do what I did and get the MAS version. Get the standalone.

  • JamesHenderson
    Community Member

    @duelist77 I am using the MAS version of v7 and have my annual subscription via AgileBits (not Apple).

    @Sheza if you have a personal subscription from AgileBits, you can swap from MAS version to AgileBits version (and vice versa) with no difficulties (at least I was able to).

  • @JamesHenderson points out another improvement in v7, the MAS and AgileBits Store releases both share the same data directory, so no data migrations are needed if you do end up switching between the two versions.

  • @Sheza,

    We do try and synchronize the releases, but sometimes its necessary to get an update out ASAP, so we will do that if its necessary.


  • JamesHenderson
    Community Member

    @rudy actually I did the swapping in v6! ...was no problem as I just had to log into my my.1password account.

  • @JamesHenderson,

    Yup, accounts make that transition so much easier. The shared data directory definitely makes it easier for folks that have a decent number of local vaults, as that v6 transition would lead them into a situation where they'd have old stale data for the alternate version and they'd errantly end up switching between the two versions on a regular basis, ultimately ending up with two recently modified datasets.


  • duelist77
    Community Member

    A followup (sorry if this has been answered elsewhere already) - if open and pay for a membership through the 1password.com web interface, does it make a difference which of the MacAppStore version or direct download version of 1Password7 Mac that I use? Or, another way to put it, if I use the MacAppStore version and access my membership in that version, would I eventually be forced to pay for the membership through Apple in-app purchases? Thank you!

  • @duelist77,

    No problem at all. You can use either version if you've paid for your membership through the 1Password.com web interface. You simply download and sign-in with your master password and secret key.


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