1Password 7 and iTerm Keyboard Shortcut Override No Longer Works

Community Member


I've just switched to 1Password 7 and noticed a difference in behaviour from 1Password 6 -

Previously I configured iTerm to use the same keyboard shortcut as 1Password to open iTerm's built-in password manager. Pressing the shortcut in iTerm would open the built-in password manager as expected.

Since switching to 1Password 7, this no longer works. Now when I press the shortcut in iTerm, 1Password opens instead.

Is there anyway to return to the 1Password 6 behaviour?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @mattmonkey,

    For the moment it will require altering 1Password's keyboard shortcut in the General tab of 1Password's preferences. I take it the keyboard shortcut in iTerm is ⌘\? just making sure I understand which shortcut is causing the issue here.

  • mattmonkey
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Hi @littlebobbytables,

    Yes I deliberately set the same shortcut in iTerm (⌘\). Just a personal preference, but I prefer to use iTerm's built-in password manager and using the same shortcut makes things easier for me.

    I've worked around it by changing iTerm to use a different shortcut for the time being.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @mattmonkey,

    So I've seen a couple of requests to tweak the behaviour relating to ⌘\ in non-browser applications and I've filed an issue so we can discuss it internally. My own thoughts are that I've seen people reporting ⌘\ but I haven't heard complaints about ⌥⌘\ which is the shortcut for open mini. In contrast ⌘\ is for fill the current page so I wonder if ignoring ⌘\ and responding to ⌥⌘\ will work.

    ref: apple-1411

  • NSPredicate
    Community Member

    littlebobbytables wrote:
    In contrast ⌘\ is for fill the current page so I wonder if ignoring ⌘\ and responding to ⌥⌘\ will work.

    I think this would be an excellent change!

    The mini shortcut (⌥⌘# or ⌥⌘\, depending on your keyboard layout) has always been a global shortcut and it's not commonly used by other applications because of the two modifier keys. The page fill shortcut (⌘#), by contrast, is used by a bunch of different apps, and I now regularly experience keyboard shortcut collisions with 1PW since I upgraded to 1PW 7, which is pretty irritating.

    If you could revert ⌘# to being a non-global shortcut soon, that would really great.

    It just occurred to me that this is exactly the type of issue that Keyboard Maestro is really good at fixing. In case others are interested in an immediate workaround until this behavior is changed, here is my solution:

    • Change 1Password's "Fill Login or Show Password" shortcut from ⌘# to ⌃⌥⌘# (if on your keyboard layout 1PW uses \ instead of #, replace all instances of # with \)
    • Create a new Macro Group in Keyboard Maestro that is set to "Available in these Applications: Vivaldi, Safari, Firefox" (or whatever browsers you want to use 1PW with)
    • Within that Macro Group, create a macro that is "Triggered by any of the following: The Hot Key ⌘# is pressed" and "Will execute the following actions: Type the ⌃⌥⌘# Keystroke"

    Now you can keep using ⌘# to fill passwords in your browsers, but the shortcut will no longer clash with commands in other apps that are mapped to ⌘#.

  • ardouglass
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    I have the same type of trouble with opening and closing the sidebar in text editors, which tend to use ⌘\ to toggle them by default. I would also appreciate a real way around this. Maybe a checkbox to implement classic behavior in the shortcut settings or something.

    Otherwise, 1Password 7 is awesome. Thanks!

  • alanyen
    Community Member

    I have just updated 1Password from 4 to 7 today, and also meet the shortcut problem.
    But after I download the 1Password.pkg from website and install once again, the problem solved and worked perfectly.

  • vincible_placard
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Came here to mention the collision with ⌘\ and sidebar toggling in text editors. I'm not a huge fan of that collision.

    I'll see if I can find a different shortcut, but now that 1Password is listening in every application, it makes shortcut collisions much more likely.

    "easy fixes" are rare, but either:

    • a checkbox for "classic keyboard shortcut behavior" binding 1password to just web browsers
    • an option to exclude certain apps from 1pass "listening" and blocking a keyboard shortcut

    would be grand.

    In the mean time, I reset ⌘\ to ⌥⌘. so far, so good.

    Either way, the whole 1password tool is grand. My wife and I use it 100x every day, and look forward to using it for the next twenty years (hopefully longer!)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    So while I can't predict the outcome but I am making sure your points are being raised and that there is need for a discussion as to how we can best serve both our 1Password users but at the same time recognising that you all use other programs as well.

    vincible_placard, you make a good point that I did forget to explicitly record, as the number of apps you use increase it will become harder to try and find a shortcut that fits with all of them and we've left that on you and I as the user.

  • SenHeng
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    I actually have a different problem in that I use ⌘] and ⌘[ to scroll between panes, which are the default shortcuts in iTerm. ⌘] now opens 1Password instead whereas it didn't do so in version 6.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @SenHeng: 1Password does not use ⌘ ] unless you told it to. You can always change the keyboard shortcut in Preferences > General. It can be hard to find something that is a good fit for everyone, especially across different keyboard layouts, but I bet you could find something that works for you. :)

  • kpclements
    Community Member

    I’d like to add my discussion here: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/91347/key-command-conflicts-with-other-apps

    And just say that it’s not so easy to simply find another shortcut that works for me.

    I’m glad to see I’m not the only one with this issue. I hope 1Password will add an option to turn off global commands, or white list apps or some fix for this.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I hear you. But I think it's more confusing to see multiple posts about the same thing from the same person in different places. I'm getting deja vu. :tongue:

  • kpclements
    Community Member
    edited June 2018

    Fair enough. I think I’ve said all I need to say - perhaps too much ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry for razzin' you a bit. I just think it's much easier to have a solid, focused discussion in a single place, both for the two of us and anyone else who wants to participate. Thanks for putting up with me. :)

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