1Password 7 - cannot delete tags?

Community Member

I just upgraded to 7 (production/App Store), and opened a 1password.com subscription as well. Suddenly, I find I can no longer delete any tags, particularly the auto-created tag for the import from 6 to 7. Doesn't work in any of the apps or in the web UI. What happened to editing/deleting tags?

1Password Version: 7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS 10.13.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    See this AgileBits' post on the 1Password 7 Mac beta forum, which includes the following:

    Tags cannot be deleted from the sidebar. To delete a tag you need to remove that tag from each item it exists on.

    (By the way, I'm not expecting you to know that as it was on the beta forum, but am just pointing it out to be helpful!)


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I thought we'd fixed this as I'm able to delete tags in 7.

    @dfp When you right click on a tag and select the Delete contextual menu option you should see a confirmation window. Before confirming check the state of the tag, does it look like you're in an edit state for renaming? if it does that does seem to block deleting the tag. If you dismiss the edit state hopefully you find you can delete the tag as I seem to be able to do.

    If something differs from what I've described please do say.

  • dfp
    Community Member

    I'm on 1Password 7.0/70000017 (App Store version), MacOS 10.13.4. I don't get any contextual menu when I ctrl/click (Mac for right click); shift/click; cmd/click; option/click. If you mean by "edit state" that the tag name is editable, nope.

  • dfp
    Community Member

    Response to Stephen_C: Yeah, I get that, but when you have 245 entries with the tag that isn't exactly practical. And you used to be able to simply delete the tag and it would be stripped from all entries using it.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables apologies, yes it does appear now to be fixed. Although I don't wish to delete any of my tags I confirm I see the Delete option when I use the right click menu on a tag. I shall return to hiding.

    @dfp sorry I'm just the messenger—albeit with an incorrect statement this time.


  • dfp
    Community Member

    @Stephen_C - glad it's working for you. @littlebobbytables my App Store version is still broken.

  • dfp
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables I should note that it's not just the contextual menu that's missing: Edit/Delete in the main menu is also disabled.

  • dfp
    Community Member

    UPDATE: I was able to delete the 1Password import and Starter Kit tags. Had to use my iPhone app, select each of my 3 vaults separately, click Favorites and then Organization to get the Edit option. Doesn't work for All Vaults, and only appears with the just-mentioned sequence. Nothing works for this in the MacOS app or the web UI.

    @littlebobbytables, I think you guys have some work to do yet...

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @dfp,

    You're right, we do have work to do although the first thing is to figure out why I am able to delete tags but you aren't. Unless we can recreate reproducible steps the developers will be potentially looking for a needle in a haystack.

    Were the tags nested or did anything about them seem unusual at all? Sorry for the pretty vague question, I'm just at a loss as to why I'm not experiencing the problem given how basic the issue seems to be.

  • dfp
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables -

    Nope, nothing nested. Don't worry about questions -- happy to help figure this one out. This is totally reproducible on my MBP. Could this be a difference between the direct version and the App Store version(see attached img)
    ? I've seen that before in other apps.

    Can you describe or screenshot the UI for tag delete that you're seeing/that I should see? The thing is, it's not just that I can't delete a tag on my MacBook Pro, it's that there's no control interface to even attempt it: there's no contextual menu on right(ctrl) click, and in the top menu, Edit/Delete is disabled, and dragging isn't enabled.

  • Fix is coming in 7.0.2.

  • SM545
    Community Member

    I'm using 7.0.4 Mac App and still can't delete tags. I have 1600 passwords that need to have their tags changed in chunks of about 200. Any workarounds or am I missing some functionality in my version?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @SM545 - you should definitely update to the most-current version, 7.1.2. In regard to tags specifically, the ability to delete them entirely from the sidebar is a feature that used to be present in 1Password 6 for Mac and was initially in 1Password 7 for Mac but had to be removed because nested tags made it much more complicated. It is coming back, however, which is another reason to keep your version of 1Password for Mac up to date. Sorry for the inconvenience, and hand tight - that feature will return. Until then, thanks for your patience. :)

  • SM545
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. I'll look into the update and for the future feature. Unfortunately, the tags I mentioned need to be updated this week so it looks like I'll be doing them manually one by one.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @SM545 -- oof. Sorry to hear that. Wish I had better news for you.

  • derekmegyesi
    Community Member

    I am rather upset about this. I have over 200 passwords, and each have different tags. Do you mean that I have to go into each one and MANUALLY remove the tag, before I can delete the tag in general. That is ridiculous and will take a few hours. Is there no other way?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @derekmegyesi! For now, yes, unfortunately. :( You can try waiting to do your tag editing until we release an update with a solution for this problem, but I don't have anything to announce about when that will be at present. It's an issue that's on our developers' radar, however.

  • derekmegyesi
    Community Member

    Alright. I will stand by. Thanks for the quick response :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @derekmegyesi - thanks for your patience. :) :+1:

  • derekmegyesi
    Community Member
    edited December 2018

    Any updates on this? This seems like a relatively minor fix. Yet it is taking quite a long time to resolve? Sorry, I am not trying to be difficult, it's just this is such an important feature.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @derekmegyesi - I'm sorry for the continued difficulties. Can you tell me what specific version of 1Password for Mac and of macOS you're currently running? Thanks.

  • derekmegyesi
    Community Member

    I am running the following version:
    1Password 7
    Version 7.2.2 (70202006)
    AgileBits Store

    macOS Mojave Version 10.14.1

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @derekmegyesi - in that case, some good news: this is being addressed currently, and should be available in a forthcoming update. Being able to delete tags from the sidebar is indeed a much-requested organizational feature, so I'm glad to announce it should be available soon. Keep an eye on release notes and updates! :)

  • derekmegyesi
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. I appreciate the quick response. How will the update be advertised? Will there be a message the next time I launch 1Password 7?

  • derekmegyesi
    Community Member

    Hey folks. I am happy to see that in the new version on 1Password, the tag issue has been fixed (both desktop and mobile).

    Very happy 1Password user :)

    1Password 7
    Version 7.2.4 (70204000)
    AgileBits Store

  • Awesome. Thanks for the update! Glad to hear we were able to get this sorted out for you. If we can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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