Request for fill in field at sex category for identities instead of drop down

Community Member

Hi folks,

I would like to request, that there should be more options to state one's own sex. I haven't found anything yet at the forums here.

To provide only two categories is harmful for trans, inter, non-binary and other genders.
I know that the identity card is meant to fill out online formulars, and therefore uses the common view on it.
But as it is als to store my identity it should not misgendering me. The password manager is one of the most intimate software you've use and trust. It should respect and support your way of being, especially when marginalized.

You may want to say that you have specificially choosen to use "sex" and not "gender" to refer to the "biological category" and not the "social", but it isn't that easy to demarkate. I'm sorry to reintroduce the complexity here.

I won't lecture you on this topic, but let me say that much: the binary sex is also reductionist concept, merging several very different markers together, eradicating the spectrum of possibilities.

Therefore, there should at least the possibility to enter it at one's own will. Even if it makes conflicts with formulars not supporting it. We know about the hassle.

And no: Adding simply a custom field by the user, doesn't cut it. The initial hurt of not being recognized is done. You can do it better by adding a write-in field at the end of the drop-down. And even then provide an "if not available in a formular (it may can check if there is a select field with write in option, something more often seen at questionaires recently), you can choose to use "male" or "female". With that you can give additional convienience. And this won't appear for cis people, cause they have chosen to use 'male' or 'female' in the first instance.

1Password Version: 7.0.1
Extension Version: -
OS Version: -
Sync Type: 1Password


  • tollaisle
    Community Member

    Agilebits just can't get a break, now they're the focus of histrionic critical theory.

    The pressure to conform to canons of popular taste has never been stronger.

  • Damnatus
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    You even made an account for this. And then commented here. And you want to tell something about HPD? And even "hide" a message in the GIF alt tag. Gosh. After citing Peterson, will you go on with Molyneux?

    Go back to your alpha male man caves. This here won't be pleasurable for you.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tollaisle: Well, that went over my head. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I don't know what you're trying to do here, but maybe sit this one out if it doesn't involve you. This seems to be a request directed at AgileBits. Thanks!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2019

    @Damnatus: It's certainly something we'll consider. It's easier said than done since these templates are static and used in all of the apps since 1Password was first created. Identities in particular are based on government identification cards, hence the dropdown for sex. It may, in fact, even be stored as a binary value. I'm not certain. But either way it would have to be changed across 7(?) apps now, so not something that could happen overnight. You raise a lot of good points though. I'll bring this up with the team. In the mean time, you can always not select either option, as 1Password will not force you to do so. Thank you for your honest feedback on this! :)

    ref: xplatform/b5book#856

  • Sheza
    Community Member

    This confuses me. Sex is binary, gender is not. The field asks about sex, not gender. Are you asking for the field to be changed to one of Gender?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Sex is definitely not binary: foreplay. I'm sorry, but it had to be said! :blush:

  • bh444
    Community Member

    From strictly a programmers perspective, many of these previously assumed binary fields are becoming non-binary. This is happening in Canada, the US, and elsewhere. It includes birth certificates, passports and driver's licenses. Seems like 1Password needs to change to me.

  • There's definitely some changes to be made. :+1:

  • bh444
    Community Member
    edited May 2018


    I have a better work around for you. Before you select either of the given choices in the drop down, you can add a new label/field in the ADDRESS section with the label 'sex' and value of the field to be whatever you deem appropriate. Once added you can move that entry to the IDENTIFICATION section.

    It looks right, not sure how it will fill in forms, etc. I used this same trick to change the dates in the Driver License entry to be mm/dd/yyyy instead of mm/yyyy.

  • That's a great idea too! Custom fields in general are super handy for stuff like this.

  • Damnatus
    Community Member

    @brenty @Jacob Thanks for the positive feedback! This is great news!
    I was certain, that a change isn't an easy task, especially with a varied code basis, path dependencies and histories. But that it will happen in a not so distant future makes me glad. :+1: :)

    @bh444 It's true, that even on the government part there are changes coming or already there. And I'm very glad that it's happening. But it still could be a drop-down with the 'official' options only, if you don't consider self-ID and the many possibilities come with it.
    And much thanks for the suggested work around. It took me a bit to figure out how to drag and drop the item, but it worked :chuffed:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Damnatus: Agreed. I think that "sex" is a good example, but this philosophy can definitely be applied more broadly as well. We'll see what we can do. :)

    I'll be honest, I have never filled in the "sex" part in my Identities because I have no desire for 1Password to try to fill it into web forms. In the rare cases where this is required information, I do it manually, and with a dash of spite. I leave out a lot of other stuff too. I really like to give websites the bare minimum. It's none of their business, and who knows what they — or whomever ends up breaking into their server — will do with it. Just my two cents. ;)

  • Damnatus
    Community Member

    @brenty I haven't used the identity saving until now. That's why I just now have filed the request and not earlier. And I'll subscribe to what you write about that's not their business. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Sounds good! :lol: I'm glad you gave it a try and took the time to offer your feedback. Cheers! :)

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