6.8.9 stopped syncing wirelessly

Community Member

I think that it was the last update with did it. Wireless syncing just stopped working. Was working a few weeks ago. I have tried on several wireless networks to rule out that being the issue.
WLAN server on both ipad and iphone show up nothing when I click on refresh list. Yes, WLAN server on computer is enabled and running when these tests were done.

I have been using this syncing method for years and have experienced glitches from time to time. However, it seems like it has been disabled to force me to move to version 7. Tell me it ain't so.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey @macsavage! I’d be happy to help. :) Since the WLAN Server is an advanced syncing method, there's only so much we can do to help with syncing, and we've gathered all our tips into a nice troubleshooting article to get you moving:

    If you’re having trouble using the WLAN server

    If that doesn't help, I'd suggest trying iCloud or Dropbox sync instead, or simply using a 1Password account, which is the best way to sync your devices. It's paid with a subscription, and it includes the latest version of all the 1Password apps so you don't have to worry about purchasing upgrades in the future. All your data is stored safely on 1Password.com behind a Secret Key and your Master Password so no one but you can access it. Check out this article for a bit more info about 1Password accounts.

    Sync with them is seamless, and if there's ever an issue we can troubleshoot it very quickly since it's a system we built. With third-party sync services like Dropbox and iCloud, troubleshooting sync has a lot of variables, and we've tried to document them the best we can on our support website, so if you do want to troubleshoot things the best place to start would be there. I'm very happy to help you set up a 1Password account and migrate your data to it if you want to take that route. :) We've got a great article to get you started:

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account

    Hope that helps!

  • macsavage
    Community Member

    My first post did say that I have been using wireless syncing pretty much since its inception. Been through it's growing pains, so know what to look for to minimize boo boos on my side. Can I roll back to the previous version to see if the problem lies with the version I'm using now? Asking because the update was in-app and the older versions aren't available for direct download.

    No subscription for me!!!! I would prefer to use my own nextcloud server to sync between ios and my macs. It sucks that only icloud and dropbox are allowed on ios. I'm probably not the only person lamenting the lack of only two choices.

  • @macsavage 1Password 6.8.9 shouldn't have changed anything with the WLAN Server since there's only one item in the changelog and it was for Opera 53 support. You're welcome to try a previous version to see if it works properly. First move the current one to the Trash and don't use an app cleaner. Restart your computer and empty the Trash. Then get 1Password 6.8.8 from here. Let us know how that goes!

  • macsavage
    Community Member

    6.8.8 installed. Able to sync wirelessly again. Thank you.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @macsavage - great! Glad to hear this worked for you. I'd advise against remaining on 6.8.8, though, just as I'd advise against remaining on any previous version. These releases are new only once in their lives, and when they're superseded by newer versions, they don't receive any future updating.

    WLAN syncing should certainly be available to you in version 6.8.9, and also in version 7; I'd be curious to know what happens if you re-attempt upgrading to either of those...but it's really up to you.

  • macsavage
    Community Member

    Did as you suggested to test and got the previous results. No wireless sync with 6.8.9. Went back to 6.8.8 and syncing is restored. Will have to ignore the "Update" popup until I decide to move to version 7.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @macsavage - huh. That IS weird. There was literally essentially nothing in that update except updating the browser code signature for Opera. I can't imagine what would make WLAN sync stop working just due to updating to 6.8.9. However, if you're content to wait until 7.0 to re-evaluate, let us know what you discover when you upgrade, and we'll go from there if necessary.

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