Dropbox Sync'd 1Password Vaults stay Mirror Images (delete from one deletes from all, add... etc.)

Community Member

Problem: Just upgraded to 1Password 7 license (no 1Password accounts). Had 600+ items across 3 vaults—primary, finance, & work. Initially, the items in each vault merged into each of the other vaults so all 3 vaults had all passwords. Then, deleting excess passwords from one vault deleted then from all of the other vaults.

How I got here: I updated my desktop Mac to 1Password 7. I have two accounts on the desktop—everyday and banking. I installed 1 Password using the everyday account and sync’d it to a new 1Password.opvault file in Dropbox. I logged into the banking account on the same desktop and started 1Password. I had to load the license again (1Password did not recognize it from the other account) and sync’d 1Password to Dropbox but only included the primary vault. [Should I be using Dropbox for 2 login accounts on same machine?]. I updated my laptop Mac to 1Password 7 using the same license and sync’d it to the same 1Password.opvault file in Dropbox. Again, only included the primary account.

Desired end state: I would like the 1Password primary vault on both desktop login accounts and on the laptop. I would like the finance vault only on the desktop banking login account. I would like the work vault only on the desktop everyday login account. How do I set this up please?

1Password Version: 7.0.1 (70001002)
Extension Version: 4.7.1
OS Version: 10.12.6
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi there @gliby, thanks for taking the time to write in. That's quite the setup you're aiming for! Let's start with your Everyday user account and get that working before jumping to your Banking user account.

    If you show the vault list (by clicking the vault button in the upper left corner of the window) and then double click on the Primary vault, is it the vault you want to be your Primary vault?

    Similarly, is your work vault listed there?

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