Is it possible to change categories of existing entries in 1P7?

Community Member

Hi there,
I know this has been discussed in the past, but I was wondering if any progress had been made in this area. I have some entries that are currently logins that would be far better suited to passwords, it'd be really handy to be able to change these.

1Password Version: 7.0.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @jhkoning ,

    Categories can not be changed for existing items. Flexibility in changing categories have some implications depending on which ones. We're still looking into this issue, but don't have anything to announce on it yet.


  • bdurham
    Community Member

    Bump ...

    Love 1Password, but now that I have 100's of secure items that I'm tracking, manually transferring each property of each item to re-categorize my items is not a viable path. 1Password is a password manager. Recategorizing sounds like password management. Please consider re-prioritizing this common use case.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2018

    @bdurham - thanks for weighing in. While I agree that 1Password is a password manager, categories are fixed templates written with certain assumptions in mind. The fields for (for example) a Credit Card are simply not the same - or in the same order - as those for an Identity or a Login item. Logins don't typically have CVV codes or expiration dates, and Credit Cards don't have birthdays or spouses. It's just not as simple to map records created for completely different purposes onto one another, or allow easy conversion between them. It's kind of like buying a pair of shoes at the store, then getting home and wishing they were a sweater instead. The closest thing we have to a generic category is Secure Notes -- any type of text can be written there, and many types of specific fields can be added (password, TOTP, Address, etc). These (Secure Notes) can be great if you're not certain what type of item you want to create, or it's ambiguous enough that you suspect you might need to change it later on. But generally speaking, we trust users to be able to determine for themselves whether they're creating a fishing license or a bank account or a Login for Reddit, and choose the appropriate category. There's just no easy way to transform one Category type into another, at present. But thank you for making your wishes known. :)

  • bdurham
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. I buy that explanation. Perhaps a future version of 1Password might allow drag and drop to move data across notes vs copy and pasting.

  • Thanks for the suggestion @bdurham. :)


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