1pwd upgraded to Ver 7 today on my Mac....questions.

Community Member

This morning I had a notification on my Mac that there was an 1pwd update so I did it. After which I have a new interface, and I'm now on Ver 7. Then it told me that I did not have sync set up. I did before, with Dropbox. So I went to Preferences and told it to sync with Dropbox and picked the folder/file and it asked me to convert the vaults to the new format.

I have three vaults--Primary (which I really don't use), Personal and Shared. I read that I have to convert all my vaults, but it seems with the one conversion I did on Primary, that it's all I need to do. In fact, in Preferences/Sync, I don't see any choices other than "Primary." So, are Personal and Shared actually considered part of Primary?

I also went to my iphone and changed the sync to the newly converted 1pwd file in Dropbox, and it seems to be working fine. There doesn't seem to be an update required for that app. I guess I'll need to go to my wife's computer now and update her 1Pwd app and point it to the converted file.

So, I was surprised that I was upgraded to Ver7 without any warning (that I noticed). It looked just like any other minor update. Not sure I would have chosen to go to Ver 7 before thinking it through more had I had the chance to think it through and understand it more first.

Note: I have the 1pwd for Families (is it called that still?) package.

1Password Version: 7.01
Extension Version: 4.7.1
OS Version: MacOs 10.13.4
Sync Type: dropbox


  • slobizman
    Community Member

    Continuing with my confusion over the Primary/Personal/Shared Vaults....please see my screen capture at: https://imgur.com/a/VUTZkuP

    What's confusing is that the Primary vault is under the Dropbox heading, and Personal and Sharing are not. Is that telling me that whatever I put into the Personal and Shared vaults are not being synced on Dropbox (I have no other option under Pref/Sync than to sync just Primary)? Or, are Personal and Shared part of Primary, as far as syncing goes?

    So confusing.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Hi there @slobizman

    Sorry for the confusion. The problem here is actually that Primary vault. Let me explain.

    The Personal and Shared vaults are part of your Family membership. Those two vaults automatically sync through our 1Password.com service, not Dropbox, which is why they don't show up in that sync settings page. That Primary vault, on the other hand, is a standalone vault from before you switched over to the Family membership. It is entirely separate from the other two vaults and anything placed within that Primary vault won't sync through your membership.

    The place where you want your data to be is in the Personal vault (or Shared, if you are sharing that item with your Family). The Primary vault should ultimately be deleted. You say you don't use that Primary vault much. Is there anything important in it that isn't in your other vaults?

  • slobizman
    Community Member

    Aha! So that's it.

    I just looked and saw there where a few items in the Primary. I've just moved those to Personal. So, I'm pretty sure there is nothing left in Primary now (In 1pwd, I selected primary and then All Items, and nothing shows up in list anymore). It's a little scary to delete the Primary vault, but I can do that. I'm not seeing where to delete it though. Maybe I just need to uncheck it in Preferences/Vaults?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @slobizman To delete the Primary vault, open 1Password and, in the top menu bar, click Vault>Switch to Vault>Primary and then Vault>Delete Vault.

  • slobizman
    Community Member

    I thought I'd do a backup first, and so set the Vaults to All Vaults and did Backup. In the resulting screen showing my backup files, it shows the one I just did was only 59 items; BUT, I have over 1700 items in all my Vaults (mostly Personal, a few dozen in Shared). In fact, I see that all my backups since Sept 2016 have 59 or fewer items in the backup. Prior to that it was the right amount. That must be when I switched to the Family plan.

    Why is my backup only backing up 59 items? How do I get it to backup everything?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @slobizman That manual backup only covers the contents of your old Primary vault. All the items within your membership vaults are redundantly backed up automatically by your account itself. If you were to lose them, all you would need to do is link 1Password to your membership account and everything will be restored.

  • slobizman
    Community Member

    Okay, understood. Thank so much for all the info.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    My pleasure, happy to help. :)

  • slobizman
    Community Member

    Sorry, a couple more questions before closing this out.

    1. What do you mean when you say if I lost my items, "all you would need to do is link 1Password to your membership account and everything will be restored."? Not sure what the linking process is? Do you mean signing on to [myaccount].1password.com with my Emergency Kit info?

    2. Assuming going to [myaccount].1password.com is where I would go to restore lost items, I see where I can click on an item and ask to "View item History" and then click Restore if I choose to restore an item to a previous version. But what if for whatever reason, I lost a large number of items or even all of them? Would I have to go into Trash and do each item individually, one after another? Or is there a way to just say, restore the vault to its state on xx/xx/xx? I sure it's the latter.


  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    What do you mean when you say if I lost my items, "all you would need to do is link 1Password to your membership account and everything will be restored."? Not sure what the linking process is? Do you mean signing on to [myaccount].1password.com with my Emergency Kit info?

    Yep, that's exactly what I mean. Sign in to your account within the app.

    Assuming going to [myaccount].1password.com is where I would go to restore lost items, I see where I can click on an item and ask to "View item History" and then click Restore if I choose to restore an item to a previous version. But what if for whatever reason, I lost a large number of items or even all of them? Would I have to go into Trash and do each item individually, one after another? Or is there a way to just say, restore the vault to its state on xx/xx/xx? I sure it's the latter.

    If you look in the main 1Password app, there is a "Trash" category. That category works the same as the Trash on your Mac. You can go in there and restore items either one at a time or in bulk if you so choose by selecting multiple items at once.

  • slobizman
    Community Member

    Thanks, I understand.

    I would be a nice feature to add the ability to restore all items to a certain date in the past. The issue without that function would be that some of the Trash items are meant to be trash. Wouldn't be a huge deal, restoring some items that should have stayed in Trash, but the feature would be cool.

    Appreciate the assistance.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    My pleasure @slobizman. I'll pass on your feedback to our developers. :)

This discussion has been closed.