I have 3 versions of 1password: 1password, 1password 6, and 1password7. which one to use?

Community Member

I want to use the latest version of 1password that is free. I don't know which one I should use

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I have 3 versions of 1password: 1password, 1password 6, and 1password7. which one to use?


  • mannyrivers
    Community Member

    I have 3 versions of 1password. which one is recommended I use?

  • @mannyrivers,

    1Password 7 is the most recent version, but to clarify, none of the versions you listed are free. They all require either a license purchase or a subscription to a 1Password.com membership in order to fully function.


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