Mac App Store no updates available from 6 to 7

Community Member

I'm in no hurry to upgrade to 7, as it seems there are tons of problems with the Mac version, but I'm curious why the Mac App Store thinks I have no updates available when 1Password 7 is clearly released and available. My Windows PC already upgraded 1Password to 7 automagically, but the Mac offers no hint that there's a new version available. Does anyone know why this stale behavior persists?

I'll be watching the forum to see when 7 becomes stable, hoping there's no incompatibility issues using Windows on 7 and Mac on 6.

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
Sync Type: Families account


  • pervel
    Community Member

    It's not available as an upgrade but as its own app called 1Password 7. You can read an explanation here:

  • Ben

    Thanks for the assist, @pervel. :) Also I’d point out that 1Password has millions of customers. Only a small fraction are having trouble with v7. When you have millions of customers even a small fraction looks like major issues. I’d argue that this is the most stable x.0 release we’ve ever had.


  • kevwil
    Community Member

    "A new app avoids these issues, allowing us to keep our code base clean and my developers happy. It comes at a price though."

    "We’ve done this before with 1Password 4 for iOS, and have the scars to prove it."

    I'm honestly surprised AgileBits keeps making decisions which burn bridges with customers just to make developers lives easier. Will it be better in the long run? Perhaps, but is it worth another round of scars? I hope 7 is groundbreakingly awesome. It needs to be.

  • Jacob

    @kevwil Sorry about the confusion. This particular decision was made to make things less confusing for both customers and developers. Having two upgrade paths has always been tough for both people in these cases, and we wanted to avoid the confusion – if anything, we could communicate the why later on, like we've done here and in the blog post.

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