Separate archive vault still the recommended solution?

Adrian B
Adrian B
Community Member

In older threads (like this or this) the recommended way to keep old passwords around but out of search is to create a separate archive vault. Is this still the recommended way today with 1Password 7?

1Password Version: 7.0.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    It really is a matter of personal preference but certainly I find that the neatest way of dealing with logins and items that are no longer used. Of course, if you merely change a password for a login that you still use the old password is saved by 1Password and you can see it by clicking on View Password History for that login.


  • Adrian B
    Adrian B
    Community Member

    Another way would have been if 1Password had a special "archive feature" that stored the items within the same vault but they did not show up on search or Watchtower or anywhere else.

    It would be handy for old items that you don't use anymore (and don't want to change) but still want to keep around. But I guess a separate vault is still the only solution current for that. I just wanted to check if there's been any change since the old (now closed) threads asking for the same thing.

  • XIII
    Community Member

    a special "archive feature" that stored the items within the same vault


    That would solve the issue of not being able to have multiple personal vaults and still keep your data “safe from family members”.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Adrian B - that question is near and dear to my heart, as it's one I myself asked way back in the dark ages before I worked at 1Password. And yes, that's the solution I still use today. Like you, I thought of a special "Archive" vault functionality built into 1Password itself. But now, on the other side of the fence, while I can still see where that would be a useful thing to have for some users, I have to leave this one firmly in the "someday" category since the existing solution for it is already pretty workable. This would be nice to have, and when the day comes that our to-do list has whittled itself down to those types of features, I'll be mentioning it again myself, probably. For now, though, yes -- that's the recommended method. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your idea for archiving items with us! :)

  • Adrian B
    Adrian B
    Community Member

    Ok, that was what I was suspecting. Thanks for the answer, and I'm off to create my archive vault then :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Adrian B - sounds good! And the upside of getting to create your own is that you can call it any groovy name you like: "Catacombs." "Dr. Evil's Secret Vault of the Forgotten." The sky's the limit. 😉

This discussion has been closed.