After migrating from PW6 to PW7, I'm missing my notes. Everything else is there

Community Member

After migrating from PW6 to PW7, I'm missing my notes. Everything else is there. Also where is my primary vault? I'm only showing personal
I didn't sign up for a family account

1Password Version: 7.02
Extension Version: 4.7.1b
OS Version: osx 10.13.4
Sync Type: dropbox?
Referrer: forum-search:missing notes


  • ferebee
    Community Member

    1Password 7 supports formatting Notes with Markdown.

    As an unfortunate side effect, Notes no longer display instantly, because they are being drawn using a webview.

    Usually, the delay is less than a second, but if you’ve left Safari running for a long time with many open windows to the point that Safari itself has bogged down and become unresponsive, this seems to affects webview rendering in 1Password, and it can take tens of seconds for a Note to display. Perhaps you just need to wait, or quit Safari?

  • Jacob

    Hey @tico! When you open a Secure Note item, or an item that has notes in it, the notes should appear after a second or two like ferebee mentioned. Do you not see them at all?

    Also where is my primary vault? I'm only showing personal. I didn't sign up for a family account

    It sounds like you signed up for an individual or family account, since the Personal vault is for those and the Primary one is if you're using 1Password without an account. Sorry about the confusion. To buy a license for 1Password 7 for Mac, your Primary vault needs to be in the app, rather than a 1Password membership.

    Keep in mind that with a license, you won't get the benefits of a 1Password membership. With a membership, you get all the 1Password apps (and always up to date) so you can use it on your computer, phone, tablet, or even a browser, automatic sync between all the devices you end up adding, versions of your items that are backed up automatically so you can restore one if you make a change by mistake, and much more:

    What are the benefits of a 1Password membership?

    If you do decide to use a license, migrate your data to a Primary vault and choose 1Password 7 > Purchase License from the menu bar. Then follow the onscreen steps to purchase a license for 1Password 7 for Mac. :)

    Hope that helps!

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