HELP ..! can't add existing account 1P7 from 1P6 on Mac .. License to membership ... how ?
I have been using 1P6 (and previous versions for many years as standalone licences etc.) - on Mac (desktop and laptop), iPhone, iPad
Now I just downloaded and installed 1P7 on my Mac and I need to be able to access my old passwords etc. from my previous 1P6 (which is still on my Mac) ... I have tried but with no success...
This is very urgent - I hope I don't have to re-enter ALL my old passwords and log-ins etc.. (please no..)
Look forward to hearing from you ASAP ...
Thanks - Con
1Password Version: 1P7 and 1P6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OZX 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:add existing account
False Alarm ... all done now .. I exported all the old passwords, logins etc. (from 1P6) to a file (.1pif) then just imported them all into 1P7- you need to go to "other" when importing these files ...