iCloud Data failed to migrate - 1PWD 6 stand alone to 1PWD 7 Membership

Community Member

I downloaded 1PW 7 from the App Store and immediatly signed up for a subscription. I was under the impression that my data from 1PW 6 (also from the App Store, but used in stand alone mode) would automatically be imported from iCloud. No joy and no (obvious) way of manually importing that data. Help!

1Password Version: 7.0.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud


  • jaberg
    Community Member

    Never mind. I reset 1PW and all is now well. I missed the initial import box because I was immediately to the start subscription section on startup.

  • bnwinsf
    Community Member

    I think I'm having the same problem. What do you mean by "I reset 1PW"?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @jaberg! Glad to hear you figured out where things went amiss and were able to right them. Let us know if you run in to any other troubles!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @bnwinsf! There is a command to reset all 1Password 7 Data, which I think is what @jaberg may have been referring to (though I won't speak for him). It's under Help > Troubleshooting > Reset all 1Password data -- and it should not be used unless you're quite sure that's what you want to do. If it is, though, it will reset you to a "new install" state as if you're opening 1Password 7 for the first time. Can you tell us a little more about what's not working for you the way you think it should?

  • bnwinsf
    Community Member

    Here's the problem I'm having. I invited my mother to use my new families account. I actually manage all of this for her on another user account on my iMac. On my account, I had already upgraded to 1Password 7 with a families account (I have been using it standalone, with 1Password 6, purchased from the Mac app store). Installing 1Password 7 removed 1Password 6 from my iMac. But the process for migrating my existing standalone 1Password 6 implementation went fine (I was using DropBox). So next I invited my mother. I logged into her user account on my iMac, and followed the invite link in her email. I was able to set up her space (account? vault?) on my family account using 1Password 7. But that's where it ended. It didn't migrate over her existing 1Password data (which was synced using iCloud), nor did it offer me the option to do so (if it did, I didn't notice it). I could not figure out how to migrate over her data. Any option under Import didn't work. Support documentation provided no help.

    The problem now is that I no longer have 1Password 6 on my iMac.... installing 7 deleted it. So I had to reinstall 6 from the Mac App Store so I could access her 1Password data synced to iCloud. I then exported her data out into a .1pif file. And then I imported that into her account/vault in 1Password 7. That seemed to work... her data now appears to be in 1Password 7.

    This has been a very frustrating process. I can't believe that the migration process I ended up using was the only way to do this. But 1Password 7 offered me no other options. The documentation and UI in this regard are quite byzantine.

  • bnwinsf
    Community Member

    I just spent 15 minutes writing a response. I then went to edit it. Now it's gone. Good grief!

  • bnwinsf
    Community Member

    I'll try again. I have been using 1Password 6, purchased from the Mac App store, for a number of years. I sync with Dropbox. I signed up for 1Password families and downloaded 1Password 7. I was able to set up my account and vault there without any apparent problems. My data appears to sync over fine into my new 1Password 7 vault.

    I next invited my mother to my family account. She has been using 1Password 6 for some time, and syncs to iCloud. I actually manage her 1Password implementation on another user account on my iMac. After inviting her, I logged into her user account on my iMac. I followed the invite link in the email. I launched 1Password 7 (I'm not exactly sure of the exact steps here). I was able to create a vault for her on my 1password family account (I used the same master password). But her existing 1Password data didn't sync over. Her new 1Password 7 vault was empty. I wasn't offered the option to sync over her data. I could not figure out how to initiate a migration process. Nothing under Import worked.

    So now I had no access to her 1Password data in 1Password 7. Since the 1Password 7 install on my iMac deleted 1Password 6, I went to the Mac app store and downloaded it. I was able to see her iPassword data there. I then exported it into a .1pif file. And then imported that into 1Password 7. I had to use the "Older 1Password" option under Import (the 1Password 6 option didn't work). I was able to import the .1pif file. And her data now appears to be in her 1Password 7 vault. I "think" and hope it's fine.

    The whole process was very frustrating. The support documentation and 1Password UI seem very byzantine ... very confusing.

  • @bnwinsf Both of your posts are here so I'm not sure why one disappeared when you posted it. I'm going to respond to your email since you sent one of those as well, and we can keep the conversation going there.

    ref: IZK-25591-652

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