Bug report: can't copy a "Password" entry with Command + Shift + C in 1Password 7.0.3

Community Member

Reproduce with:

  • command + option + \ to open 1Password Mini
  • Find an entry that is a "Password"
  • Copy the password with Command + Shift + C

This used to work in 1Password 6.

I use this workflow a lot in the Terminal or in applications that are not my browser.

I can't figure out how to downgrade to 1Password 6, since the download links on the site and App Store app are gone.

1Password Version: 7.0.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • geodbz
    Community Member

    Same version, having the exact same issue ever since I upgraded. :-1:

  • geodbz
    Community Member

    weirdly enough...it's suddenly working now? Not sure what conditions cause it to break down, but I rebooted my machine and it worked the first time but then didn't work the next handful of times I tried. After getting my comment posted here, it appears to be working again without issue. :neutral:

  • geodbz
    Community Member

    And busted again. I'm not sure of what set of steps are needed to reproduce just yet, but it's definitely working sometimes and not working other times.

  • geodbz
    Community Member

    This still appears to be an issue in 7.0.4

  • paranoidprivacy
    Community Member

    I can confirm, happens in 7.0.4 for me too.

  • geodbz
    Community Member

    I think I've determined what's happening -- if the item in 1Password is a "login" type, this actually works as expected. If it's merely a "password" type, you can't hit cmd+shift+c to copy it.

  • paranoidprivacy
    Community Member

    Yes, that was what I knew from the start.

    It is a bug though, because in 1Password 6 it worked.

  • Henry
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback @paranoidprivacy! Indeed this has been changed with 1Password 7: Command + Shift + C now actually copies the second field of an item, while Command + Control + C copies the first field of an item (like the password field of a Password item).

    We're looking into restoring the behavior from 1Password 6, and I've passed on your feedback to our developers.

    ref: apple-1429

  • paranoidprivacy
    Community Member

    Thanks! Looking forward to seeing this issue fixed! :)

  • Henry
    1Password Alumni

    You're welcome @paranoidprivacy, and me too!

  • dankow
    Community Member

    I'd like to add my +1 for getting Command-Shift-C returned to its to pre-7 behavior . The issue has shown up in two ways for me:

    • The way @paranoidprivacy described, with "Password" items. I accidentally stumbled into a workaround by adding a username field, making the password field the second field. That was before I found this thread, so I didn't understand why this worked.
    • When using a "Database" item with a server, port, etc., Command-Shift-C copied the second field instead of the password.

    The documentation still says that Command-Shift-C "Copy the password of the selected item", which is currently incorrect.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2018

    @dankow - this has been fixed in the latest beta version (7.2.2.BETA-0), so unless something changes radically, you should expect it in a stable release soon. If you're not willing to wait, you can enable beta builds by checking the box marked "include beta builds" in 1Password Preferences > Update, and then clicking the "Check now" button.

    ref: apple-1429

This discussion has been closed.