Random issues with 1password 7

Community Member


I've just upgraded to v7 and so far I'm finding it a little frustrating.

But more specifically, I'm running into all sorts of random UI glitches. For example, when I am creating a new field in an existing record and set the field type to password, the generator icon doesn't show up. If I save the record and open it again, then it behaves properly.

When I am using the browser extension (in this case, firefox), I was trying to navigate to an entry's URL field, but when I moved my mouse right after highlighting the record I wanted, the Fill > portion would disappear. Closing and opening the browser seems to have solved the problem.

While the new UI definitely looks snazzier than before, the wierd glitches are unexpected and frustrating, and I fail to see the value in having everything purely vertical. You just kissed goodbye all that perfectly usable horizontal space to the right, and for records with a lot of data, I now have to scroll twice as much to get what I need.

On the upside, certain features are now more... explorable? Easier to access? Like being able to move passwords between vaults, or checking passwords against vulnerability lists.

1Password Version: 7.01
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.13.3
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ilsa - Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts about 1Password 7 for Mac with us. Before we go any further, I see you're using version 7.0.1; can you please take a moment to update to 7.0.4 (current version, multiple bug fixes) and let us know if that solves any of the issues you're seeing? Thanks.

  • ilsa
    Community Member
    edited June 2018

    I must have mistyped without noticing cause I was actually on 7.0.3. But I'll do so and let you know my results. One of the bugs was happening pretty regularly so I should know quickly if it's been fixed.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ilsa - Sounds good; let us know. :) :+1:

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