new password manager API in iOS 12 and 1pw

Community Member

Macrumors reports on wwdc18 keynote re: iOS 12 and passwords:

"- Passwords - There's a new Password Manager API that can show passwords from 1Password and similar apps in the QuickType suggestion bar when you're inputting login information. iOS 12 also adds iOS password suggestions to third-party apps, like Keychain in Safari. Apple will also keep track of passwords that have been reused and prompt you to create new ones."

What exactly would that mean? A user will always be able to use 1pw to log in or add a new login in any iOS app without the app having to explicitly support 1pw? Will we be able to use the new features with 1pw for iOS starting with the first (public) Beta?

1Password Version: 7.0.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 11.4.1 Beta 1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Tiontomo
    Community Member

    This link is a teaser video released from AgileBits about how Password Api would work and it gives only a glimpse to how it would work. It doesn't fully show how everything works and leaves a lot of questions unanswered. one of my questions would be how easy would non-face id or non-touch id iphone users be able to authenticate their master password?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Tiontomo: Indeed, and unfortunately the answers are going to have to wait. It's been less than 24 hours since Apple announced this, and we have months ahead of us before the new OS even ships. I'm sure we'll have more to say in September though. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sniem: Indeed, while this is still very much preliminary (and, actually, under NDA since Apple is not offering a public beta yet), the idea is that 3rd party apps like 1Password will be able to offer their services through Apple's built-in password filling mechanism. Looking forward to learning more as this develops. :)

  • sniem
    Community Member

    @brenty Cool, I thought there would be more info in advance as you were so prominently mentioned, at least in the article. Looking forward to the new stuff, say, waiting eagerly for it ;)

  • prime
    Community Member

    This is so cool! I have a few questions, but will hold off. One I have is, if you guys have access to that API, not couldn’t a rogue app have access too now? I doubt you have an answer, but I thought I would ask.

  • Ben
    edited June 2018

    Too soon to say much if anything. :)


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sniem, @prime: Indeed, we're funding out about how all of this works at the same time as everyone else in the Apple developer community, and any details that Apple hasn't released publicly (or in a public beta, which I imagine may be released in a month or so, if history is any guide) will be under NDA. ;)

  • Kylereilly
    Community Member

    Can’t wait until public beta so we can see. I think a lot of novice users will use the free Apple version that syncs, but us 1PWers will stick as the quality of the product is strong.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2018

    @Kylereilly: Me too. But honestly I find Apple's password management confusing. Maybe because it's so opaque. I may have some things in there, but there's not really any way to tell. :dizzy: I really like that I can see everything in 1Password and make changes to it easily — even across platforms. Apple does some indispensable stuff with iCloud though. :)

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