Master Password working some place but not others??

Community Member

Hi There!

I have 1Password installed on 2 computers and my phone. All three are working fine. I just downloaded the new software version and am attempting to add my existing Family account to it. Strangely my Master Password is being denied?

I just went to my phone and the Master Password is working great there??

Super confused??

1Password Version: 6 &7 & iOS
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud


  • brian4d
    Community Member

    Sounds like what just happened to me. I installed 7.0.3 on my Mac a couple of days ago, imported the Dropbox keychain from 1P6 into a new membership vault. It worked great, so I configured my iPhone and iPad to use the new vault, too.

    A few minutes ago, I accepted the update to 7.0.4 on my Mac. Now it refuses my master password and Touch ID. However, my iPhone and iPad still work just fine.

    Any idea what 7.0.4 update might have done?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Hi there @Evan_Rohde

    That's certainly not good but I have an idea what might be going on. Open up 1Password on your phone and tap Settings>Vaults. Is there a "Primary" vault listed there?

  • Evan_Rohde
    Community Member

    Yes Corey_C, there is a Primary Vault....

  • Evan_Rohde
    Community Member


    Yes, there is a Primary Vault.

  • brian4d
    Community Member

    @Corey_C, yes, it lists Primary and Personal (the new one on the 1P server, right?).

    BTW, the password on my pre-upgrade keychain (in Dropbox) wasn't long enough for 1P7 so I had to choose a new Master password for my membership. After importing the Dropbox keychain, 1P7 was accepting this new Master password on all of my devices.

    After updating to 7.0.4, neither the old or new password will work on my Mac. The new password continues to work on my phone and iPad.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    Ah, that there is the potential problem. That Primary vault was your original vault from before you switched over to a 1Password membership. That vault can also have its own Master Password, which can be different from the Master Password used for your 1Password membership. As long as that Primary vault exists, the password used for it will be the one 1Password expects in order to unlock. When adding a new device to your membership you need the Master Password for your 1Password account. Is it possible that it is different and, if so, can you remember the proper password?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    As long as your data has been migrated to the membership proper and you still have access to your account information/remember your proper Master Password (through your phone for example), you can always simply reset the local data in 1Password on your Mac and reconnect it to your account.

  • brian4d
    Community Member

    Tried "Reset All 1Password Data" (under Help) and got error "The operation could not be completed. No other information is available about the problem." The "Show Application Log" indicated that an XPC connection already existed and couldn't start a new one, so I restarted the machine and everything works correctly again. No vault data was deleted, my new password works and Touch ID works.

    Seems like the update didn't reset things cleanly but restarting resolved the problem. Thanks again.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    Ah yes, the good ol' reboot. As much of a tech support cliche as it is, it has that reputation for a reason. I continue to be surprised by how many issues can be solved simply by rebooting the machine.

  • rdintralink
    Community Member

    Having a similar problem. Just upgraded to 1Password 7 on my new MAC. Scanning my QR code which is accepted. Master password is not. Same password used on iPhone and iPad and no issues there.

  • Evan_Rohde
    Community Member

    @Corey_C I dont exactly understand your instructions??

    "reset the local data in 1Password on your Mac and reconnect it to your account."

    I dont think I know my Primary Vault password? I'll try a little more, but without that, what's my game plan?

  • @rdintralink Can you sign in to in a browser?

    @Evan_Rohde You don't need your Primary vault's password to reset the app. :) Follow this guide to do that:

    How to reset your 1Password data and start over

    Then sign in to your account on the setup screen.

  • rdintralink
    Community Member

    @jacob Yes I can sign in but the password vault is empty. I sent a request for to support for help with this last Tuesday when I did the upgrade to 1password7 and have yet to get a response??

  • @rdintralink Thanks for letting me know. I'll respond to your email in just a minute.

    ref: LDA-69647-583

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