Do you like the new Ver 7 Design?

Community Member
edited June 2018 in Mac

My answer is NO. I do not like the new design. I am a long time 1Password fan and user. I have nearly 1200 pieces of data stored in our database and use 1P all the time. This is the first time I have had a negative experience with the design and layout. Upgrading from 6 to 7 was easy - not an issue. And, 1P still functions like it did before... I sure like that... BUT, now it is harder and less friendly to use.

First, the new font is way too small and too hard to read. It's cold and clinical. My eyes may not be 20/20 any more, but I don't need glasses to read my desktop screen and this font size is simply too small. The category titles are so small, I have to squint to read them on a 27" Apple high resolution display screen.

Second, the column on the left side of the MINI 1Password window cannot be resized horizontally to make the content fully visible. So, when I'm looking one of my 14 "Apple" related account passwords, the second half of the item titles cannot be read... so now I have guess click on 14 items with a similar starting name until I find the one I need. That is a killer -- high frustration level with it already.

Third, and this is just a personal thing, I prefer the "anchor" symbol previously used for designating a separate window for an login item.

Anybody else having issues with the new Ver. 7 design?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided

ref: ATP-69814-622


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Um, yes you could say that (to choose but three of quite a few long threads).


  • AMCarter3
    Community Member

    Sorry, I searched for "Ver. 7" to find any threads expressing an opinion about Ver 7. I found none. The 1st thread you mention does not comment on font size as an issue - is only about the MINI 1P (which I agree with) and the 2nd thread has a title that I would never think of looking for.

    This release of Ver 7 has a feeling like something that was not fully field tested before sending it out to the public. I recall being on the beta test team for Ver 5 (or 6?) and feeling impressed with what I felt was a very thorough job of testing and continuing to adjust and improve the design of the MINI 1P until it was ready for Prime Time. Ver 7 (especially the MINI) does yet NOT feel ready for Prime Time. I hope you guys are in high gear to listen to the feedback and make improvements fast... especially for the MINI.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    This release of Ver 7 has a feeling like something that was not fully field tested before sending it out to the public.

    There was a reasonably long beta process in which many of us were involved. However, my own view (for what it's worth) is that the release may have been a little rushed (perhaps in time for Apple's WWDC). In particular, AgileBits kept close to its corporate chest the new 1Password mini until (I think) almost the very last beta release—so there was virtually no time for full consideration of that among the beta testers. I suspect that's shown by the number of posts there have been on this forum particularly directed at the design of the new 1Password mini (which, personally, I think has many merits, if some faults).


  • AMCarter3
    Community Member

    You are right about the merits of the new version... I deeply trust Agilebits in that regard in general. Every new version has been a big improvement. I would only add this thought... Avoiding "mistakes" is not a good measure of success. As an organization development consultant with 40 years of experience working with large and small companies, the organizations that LEARN faster from mistakes are the ones that consistently thrive in tough times, have stronger healthy cultures and out-last the competition.

  • AMCarter3
    Community Member
    edited June 2018

    One more piece of feedback I forgot about Ver 7... It may be my imagination, but it seems to me that the login auto-submit feature no longer works on a LOT of sites that I frequent on regular basis. I find I am having to click on the "Submit" button a LOT now.

    ref: ATP-69814-622

  • I see we've got an email conversation going as well, so let's keep that one since Trace responded to you there. :)

This discussion has been closed.