!Password 7 Mac - Questions about details

Community Member

Just upgraded to 1Password 7 for Mac. After receiving the "Wow" email, I followed the link listed for 1Password for Mac (https://blog.agilebits.com/2018/05/22/1password-7-for-mac-the-best-ever/). There were several items mentioned that I don't understand.
1. Has the Edit button been removed from the individual entries in 1Password? I found you can edit items with Item>Edit (or command-e); are those the only way to edit entries?
2. Markdown is mentioned several times in reference to formatting but I don't know what that is or how to use it. I did search Help for Markdown but received 0 entries.
3. Formatted Notes field? I haven't figured out how to format any text in 1Password but I've wanted to do so for quite some time.
4. Is it possible to create folders for 1Password entries? I know there are the predefined categories (Logins, Credit Cards, etc.) but it would be helpful to know if it's possible to create, for example, a Financial category and include all financial-related entries (credit cards, bank accounts, etc.)

I know my questions sound very basic but I'm by no means a new user of computers or 1Password. I've used 1Password for many years and would like to be able to use all features relevant to my needs.

Thanks very much.


1Password Version: 7.0.4
Extension Version: 4.7.1
OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator
    1. There is an Edit button top left of the entry

    2 and 3. I don't use Markdown myself. Do a general search (Google, Bing, whatever) for Markdown. Roughly, it is a plain text formatting language that enables you to do all sorts of things, from italic and bold to fully formatted HTML.

    1. Folders have been replaced by tags, which are more flexible (you can have several tags on one item, and now you can have nested tags, which removes one advantage folders had). Just edit an item and add a tag. Once you have created a tag, for future items as soon as you enter enough letters in the Tags entry, all relevant tags will be offered to you so you don't have to fill the full name.
  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    As to markdown specifically for 1Password 7 see this AgileBits' knowledge base article:

    Format your secure notes with Markdown


  • sfross
    Community Member

    Thank you both, appreciate the help.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @srlanza - thanks for the questions, and I'm glad @danco and @Stephen_C were able to assist. Markdown is a very simple language for formatting text, created by Jon Gruber of Daring Fireball fame. We implemented a Markdown editor in 1Password 7 for Mac due to repeated requests like yours for format-able notes fields and Secure Notes. You'll need to learn a few commands to make it work, but there aren't that many, and once you learn them, it makes formatting text on the fly very easy. Let us know if you have any questions! :)

  • bebet1
    Community Member

    Unless I've missed something, Markdown syntax does not carry over to the IOS app. This can lead to your notes appearing strange with the Markdown formatting in place. Will this be remedied in the near future?

  • sfross
    Community Member

    Thank you, Lars.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @bebet1 - not quite sure what you mean; Markdown formatting is available and functioning well in 1Password for iOS as well. Try it: open a Secure Note in 1Password for iOS and type two # symbols with a space after them (##) in front of any sentence. Click "Back" and then "Done." See if you can't see a difference.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @srlanza - you're quite welcome; glad I was able to offer some illumination. :)

  • dhbnntt
    Community Member

    RE: Markdown formatting
    The MD format works on my MBP and I see the symbols on my iPhone (v7.0.6) but the formatting does not execute on the iPhone. If I initiate the MD symbols on the iPhone, I will see the formatting on my MBP but yet again the formatting does not take hold on the iPhone. Wondering what I could do to solve this problem.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @dhbnntt! Sorry for the trouble just now. Unfortunately, I'm not able to replicate this behavior at all here. Using a 1password.com account, the syncing is almost instantaneous, and addition of Markdown formatting appears as soon as I click "Save" on the Secure Note I've edited on my Mac.

    Please try this: open an existing secure note in 1Password 7 for Mac and place your cursor at the start of any sentence. Type an underscore_ in front of the first word. Go down a couple of words or so and type another underscore after the end of a word. Click "Save" on the item to save your changes. Does the formatting change on your Mac? It should have made the words between the underscores italicized. If so, open the same secure note on your iPhone. Are the same words italicized?

    If they aren't, then what you likely have is a sync issue, not a markdown-rendering issue. Either that, or you're using an outdated version of 1Password for iOS on your iPhone. Can you tell us what version you're using? If it's at least 7.0, then check to make sure your sync is functioning properly. Create a NEW Secure Note on the iPhone and call it "From iPhone." Then create another new Secure Note on your Mac and call it "From Mac." Give everything a minute or so to sync (typically should be much faster, but just to be conservative about it). Do you see both notes on both devices?

  • dhbnntt
    Community Member

    Thank you for the quick response Lars. I have done what you have suggested with the same results as I tried to explain earlier. Syncing just fine too. Using 1P version 7.0.6 on my iPhone. Maybe it's because I am using the stand alone version of 1P on my Mac and not 1P.com. Not a deal breaker but just wanted the luxury of enhancing my notes. Cheers!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2018

    @dhbnntt - that's very odd. Would you mind creating a new Secure Note on your Mac with junk text on it, then format some of the text using Markdown. Verify that you can see the formatting on your Mac, then verify that you CAN'T see the formatting on your iPhone. Then please switch your 1Password for Mac install over to the vault you created the Note in, select that Note, and click File > Export > Selected Items (make sure you do not choose All Items!). Choose the .1pif format (should be the default export format) in the pop-up window, and save the single item out to your Mac's desktop. Right-click (or control-click) the .1pif folder and choose "Compress..." This will create a zip file of the folder. Remember, this should contain ONLY junk data -- it will be unencrypted and you will be sending it across the internet -- this is for testing/verification purposes only. Attach it to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    With your email please include:

    • A link to this thread: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/91593/password-7-mac-questions-about-details#latest
    • Your forum username: @dhbnntt

    That way we can "connect the dots" when we see your email in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number.  Please post that number here so we can track down your email and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Thanks very much!

  • dhbnntt
    Community Member

    Bitbot says support ID #ZIY-12523-316. I say thank you!

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    @Lars - Maybe I misunderstand the issue here, but if I create a new Secure Note on my iPhone, markdown symbols show on the phone, but the proper text modifications show in the record that gets synced to my Mac. I am using 1Password 7.04 on the Mac and 7.06 on my iPhone. I have a single user membership, if sync method has anything to do with this. To my eye, this would say the markdown formatting doesn't render correctly in iOS.

    Like these:

    If created on my iPhone, this are my screen capture from the iPhone:

    But from the Mac, the same record:

    If I create on the Mac, this are what I see on my Mac:

    But this is what is synced to my iPhone.

  • vplewis
    Community Member

    @hawkmoth Yours is also my experience. I don't believe Markdown has been implemented in iOS yet.hth

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    @vplewis -

    I don't believe Markdown has been implemented in iOS yet.

    I didn't think so either, but this thread seems to me to imply that it is.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @vplewis and @hawkmoth and @dhbnntt -- arrrgh, this is what I get for constantly running the TestFlight beta; this is one of the features available only in beta right now. I'm sorry for the confusion. Don't worry; it should be available in the stable channel before too long. :)

This discussion has been closed.